Personal  Data
Born:Córdoba, Argentina
Home Address:Av. Callao 1441- 4 Floor, “B” (1024). Buenos Aires, Argentina
Phone:Private (54 11) 155327-4530 / Office (54 11) 4962-9012
Phone/FaxOffice (54 11) 4964 8721
Spouse:Marta Maria Biagioni
Children:Alfredo Matías: January 13, 1976 Gastón Alfredo: January 13, 1979 Agustina: October 8, 1981 Tomás Moises: January 19, 1987 Clara María: September 23, 1993 Catalina: May 16, 2006
1969-1974Córdoba National University, School of Medicine. Title obtained: Medical Surgeon.
1984Córdoba Catholic University, Degree of Ph. D. with the subject: Coronary Angioplasty and Intracoronary Thrombolysis (Score: Outstanding).
1985Argentine Collegium of Hemodynamics. Degree: Specialist on Hemodynamics and Angiography.
1974Internship in Internal Medicine, Air Force Hospital, Córdoba, Argentina.
1975 – 1978Resident at the Cardiology Department, Hospital Privado Sanatorio Güemes, Favaloro Foundation, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
1979Chief  of Residents, Cardiology Department, Hospital Privado Sanatorio Guemes, Favaloro Foundation, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
1981Internship in the Interventional Cardiology Service, San Francisco Heart Institute, San Francisco, U.S.A. Director: Richard Myler, M.D., F.A.C.C.
Hospital Appointments
1982 – 1985Staff Member, Interventional Cardiology Service, Hospital Privado Sanatorio Guemes, Favaloro Foundation, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
1985-1988Former Assistant Director, Interventional Cardiology Service, Hospital Privado Sanatorio  Güemes, Favaloro Foundation, Buenos Aires, Argentina
1988-1999Former Chief, Interventional Cardiology Service, Sanatorio Anchorena, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
1991Former Consultant, Interventional Cardiology Service, Cosme Argerich Hospital, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
1992Consultant, Interventional Cardiology Service, Spanish Hospital, Mendoza, Argentina
1993=currentChief, Interventional Cardiology Service, Otamendi Hospital, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
1993Consultant, Interventional Cardiology, Spanish Hospital, Bahía Blanca, Argentina
1998Chief, Interventional Cardiology Service, Adrogue Medical Institute, Adrogué- Buenos Aires,  Argentina
2003Chief, Interventional Cardiology Service, Las Lomas Institute, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Teaching and Academic Appointments
1991 – 1998Co-Director in the Teaching Unit assigned to the Sanatorio Anchorena for the Senior Course of Specialist in Cardiology, Buenos Aires University, School of Medicine
1990-Founder and Current President of Contract Research Organization (CRO) Cardiovascular Research Center (CECI) Buenos Aires Argentina.
2001Director Post Graduate Medical School –Senior Course of Specialist in Cardiology,  Buenos Aires University School of Medicine
2002Director Post Graduate Medical School –Senior Course of Specialist in Cardiology,  Buenos Aires University School of Medicine
1981National Academy of Medicine, RAFAEL BULLRICH Award (Bi-Annual, to the best work on Cardiology on the subject: Angiographic and Clinical Relationship in Acute Myocardial Infarction (First Author).
1990DR. Luis Sivori Award (Annual, to the best work on Cardiology), Buenos Aires University, School of Medicine on the subject: New View in the Physiopathology of Coronary Obstruction regarding the Angiographic Analysis (First Author).
1993ARGENTINE FOUNDATION OF CARDIOLOGY Award (Annual, to the best work on Cardiology), and Banco Mayo Foundation on the subject: Angiographic Correlates after Primary PTCA in Acute Myocardial Infarction (First Author).ARGENTINE SOCIETY OF CARDIOLOGY Award (Annual, to the best work on Cardiology), on the subject: Coronary Stents reduce Restenosis in Lesions with early loss after successful PTCA (First Author).
1994ARGENTINE JOURNAL OF CARDIOLOGY: Best Paper Published during 1994.
1995ROBERTO VILLAVICENCIO FOUNDATION Award. To the best work about interventional cardiology of the specialist career From the UBA Medicine University. First Award. Subject: Carotid Angioplasty Initial Results
1996SOLACI Award. To the best free work presented at the Latinoamerica Society for Interventional Cardiology SOLACI Congress 1997. Subject: Optimal balloon angioplasty vs stent (First Author).Angiographic Follow Up of a Randomized Work.
1997NOMINEE ETHICA Award. Best Clinical  Investigators – ERASMUS University. Rotterdam, The Netherlands.To the best clinical researcher in the Interventional Cardiology area 1997.
2000USCAS Award. For the best work in Venezuela Society of Cardiology.XIX Sudamerican Congress of Cardiology/XXXIII Congreso Venezolano de Cardiología. “Cost Effectiveness Analysis Between Percutaneous Coronary Interventions vs. Coronary Bypass Surgery in Multiple Vessels Disease: Long Term Follow Up Results of the Randomized Study (ERACI II)”, (First Author)
2001National Academy of Medicine GERONIMO H. ALVAREZ Award. Three Annual Best Award.National Academy of Medicine.  Subject Treatment of Coronary Artery Stenosis. Long Term Follow up Results of ERACI II Study. XXVIII Congress of Cardiology in Argentina . For the best abstract presented. ALEJANDRO SPINETTA Award.
2005   2007     2015     2018European Society of Cardiology, European Congress of cardiology, best abstract   presentation, Stockholm, Sweden, October 2005.Best scientific work (o best scientific publication, habria que ver). Latinarmerican Congress of Interventional Cardiology (SOLACI 2007). Latinamerican Society of Interventional Cardiology (SOLACI).Best scientific work (o publication). Latinamerican Congress of Interventional Cardiology (SOLACI 2015). Latinamerican Society of Interventional Cardiology (SOLACI)Declared “Outstanding personality of the autonomous city of Buenos Aires in the field of Medical Sciences” by the Buenos Aires House of Representatives  
Medical Society and Journals Memberships
1979Member, Argentine Society of Cardiology.
1971- 1988Member, Editorial Board, Corde Journal, Favaloro Foundation
1982 – 1987Executive Member, Argentine Society of Cardiology
1983Honorary Member, Bolivian Society of Cardiology
1985Member participant in the foundation of the Argentine Collegium of Hemodynamics
1988Former Director, Council of Hemodynamics, Argentine Society of Cardiology
1989 – 1991Executive Member of the Scientific Committee, Argentine Collegium of Hemodynamics
1991Consultant Editor, Iberoamerican Cardiology Journal
1992Delegate, Hemodynamics Committee, Union of Cardiology Societies of South America. Member, Editorial Board of the Interventional Cardiology Journal, Panama.
1993Associate Director, Iberoamerican Journal of Hemodynamics, Angiography and Therapeutic Catheterization (SOLACI Official Journal).
1995Fellow of the American College of Cardiology (February 1995).President Organization Committee Argentine Interventional Cardiology Meeting, Mar del Plata, Argentina.
1997President Scientific Committee Latinoamerica Society of Interventional Cardiology.
1998Full Member, Andreas Gruentzig SocietyMember Editorial Board Argentine Journal of CardiologyMember Executive Committee – Clinical Latinoamerican Council of Interventional Cardiology (CLINIC).
2002Fellow Society for Cardiac Angiography and Intervention. (March 2002).
2003Advisor Agreement – CACI ANMAT
2005Editorial Board EuroIntervention Journal
2007Editorial Board JACC Cardiovascular Interventions Associate Editor. Case Reports in Cardiology. Hindawi Editorial. Associate Editor. International Journal of Cardiology. Hindawi Editorial.  
Research Protocols
1979Principal Investigator. Chronic Asymptomatic Infarction: angiographic correlates. Published in Argentine J of Cardiol 1979
1980Principal Investigator. Thrombolysis in Acute Myocardial Infarction. Abstract presented in the X South American Congress of Cardiology, Buenos Aires, Argentina
1984Principal Investigator. Systemic use of Urokinase in AMI. Randomized Study 1984. Abstract presented in the Congress of Cardiology, Washington DC, U.S.A. in 1986
1985Principal Investigator. Clinical and Angiographical Correlation in the Reduction of the Degree of Obstruction after Thrombolytic Therapy in Acute Myocardial Infarction (Am J Cardiol 1986).
1988Director of the Argentine Randomized Study: Angioplasty vs. Surgery in multiple vessel Disease, coordinated by the Massachusetts General Hospital and the Medicine School of the Harvard University, U.S.A. (J Am Coll. Cardiol 1993).
1989Director Serial angiographic study 24 hours and 6 months after PTCA (in collaboration with Massachusetts General Hospital , Harvard University, Boston, U.S.A.) Am J. Cardiol 1993
1991Director of the Study on Stent for Prevention of Restenosis in high risk groups, detected by angiography in 24 hs. (in collaboration with Dr. Gary S. Roubin, University of Birmingham, Alabama, U.S.A.
1994Director, Angiography Committee, International Study ECLA 2RAPT. (In collaboration with Franz Van der Warf, Leuvan University, Belgium) published in Circulation in February 1994.
1996Principal Investigator. Antisense Randomized Trial to prevent restenosis in collaboration with Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, U.S.A.)
1997Director, Optimal Angioplasty and provisional stenting vs universal stenting (OCBAS) Multicenter, multinational randomized study.  JACC , November 15, 1998.Director, GRAMI Trial. Stents (GR II) vs PTCA in Acute Myocardial Infarction Multicenter, multinational randomized study. Am J Cardiol 1998;81.Director, ERACI Phase II. Multicenter, multinational randomized study comparing Stents (GR II) vs CABG in multivessel coronary artery disease
1998Principal Investigator SLAM trial. Multicenter, Multinational Study Stent vs Balloon Angioplasty in long lesions. Sponsored by Johnson & Johnson. Co-Chairmans Richard Kuntz and Jeffrey Popma.
2000Principal Investigator “SENIOR PAMI”. A Prospective Randomized Trial of Primary Angioplasty vs. Thrombolytic Therapy for Acute Myocardial Infarction in the Elderly.William Beaumont Hospital. USAPrincipal Investigator “ACE Trial” Abciximab and Carbostent Evaluation in Acute Myocardial Infarction. Careggi Hospital, Florence, ITALY.Co Investigators “OAT Trial” Occluded Artery Trial.  USAPrincipal Investigator. “Biodivysio South American Small Vessels Randomized Study”. LASMAL trial.
2003Principal Investigator. Oral Rapamycin in Patients Undergoing Coronary Stent Therapy. The ORAR Study (Oral Rapamycin in Argentina).
2004Principal Investigator. Oral Rapamycin Following Coronary Bare Stent Implantation to Prevent Restenosis: The Prospective, Randomized ORAR II (Oral Rapamycin in Argentina ) Study.Principal Investigator. Stem Cells therapy following primary PCI in Acute Myocardial Infarction (STAR AMI Trial) Stem Cells in Argentina. Investigator. TAXUS OLYMPIA Registry.
2005Principal Investigator.Revascularization Strategies of Coronary Multiple Vessel Disease In Drug Eluting Stent Era. ERACI III Registry.Investigator. AngioJet Rheolytic Thrombectomy Before Direct Infarct Artery Stenting in Patients Undergoing Primary PCI for Acute Myocardial Infarction [JETSTENT Study]Investigator. HORIZONS trial.
2006  Investigator. Future Revascularization evaluation in patients with diabetes mellitus: Optimal Management of Multivessel disease. The Freedom Trial.Principal Investigator. Cost Effectiveness Randomized comparison between Oral Rapamycin following Bare Stent Implantation vs. Drug Eluting stent. ORAR III trial.Principal Investigator. MULTISTRATEGY.Principal Investigator. New Coating Stent Design for Patients with high risk Coronary Lesions for Thrombotic events. The CAMOUFLAGE Registry.Principal Investigator. FREEDOM trial. Clinical Investigator and country leader.  
2007Principal Investigator. Randomized, multicenter comparision between a palitaxel eluting stent vs a bare metal stent. EUCATAX trial.  
2008  Investigator. Randomized Comparison between Cypher versus Endeavor Eluting Stents to Evaluate Stent Thrombosis. PROTECT trial.
2008Investigator. Multicenter Randomized Clinical Trial to Evaluate the Efficacy of Intensive Apidra/ Lantus Therapy vs Sliding Scale Insulin on Subjects with Anterior STEMI. INTENSIVE trial.
2013Principal Investigator. Multinational and Multicenter registry ERACI IV.
2016Principal Investigator. Multinational and Multicenter registry WALTZ.    
2017Clinical Investigator. MASTER DAPT study.   
2020  Principal Investigator and member of the Steering Committee. Multicenter and randomized study ORCA trial.      
Meetings participation.
1982AugustGuest Faculty – Visiting Professor, International Meeting: Coronary heart disease, University of Chile, Santiago, Chile
1983SeptemberGuest Speaker – Visiting Professor, V Bolivian Congress of Cardiology, La Paz, Bolivia.Honorarium Visitor of Bolivia, title given by the Ministry of Health of BoliviaGuest Faculty, VIII Latinamerican Meeting on Hemostasia and Thrombolysis, Montevideo, Uruguay.
1984OctoberGuest Faculty – Visiting Professor, Course on Therapeutic News on Cardiology,  Chilean Medical Society, Santiago, Chile
1987OctoberGuest Faculty – Visiting Professor, VII Bolivian Congress of Cardiology, Bolivian Society of Cardiology, Cochabamba, Bolivia
1988SeptemberGuest Faculty – Visiting Professor, III Paraguayan Congress of Cardiology, Asunción, Paraguay.Honorarium Visitor of Paraguay, title given by the Ministry of Health of Paraguay
1989NovemberGuest Faculty – Visiting Professor, International Meeting on Interventional Cardiology, Luis Vernaza Hospital, Guayaquil, Ecuador
1991JuneGuest Faculty – Visiting Professor, IV International Congress of Cardiology, Panama Society of Cardiology, Panamá.
 SeptemberGuest Faculty – Visiting Professor, IV International Congress of Cardiology, Panama Society of Cardiology, Panamá.
1992FebruaryGuest Faculty, 50th Annual Meeting of Cardiology, San Pablo, Brazil
 NovemberGuest Faculty, 50th Annual Meeting of Cardiology, San Pablo, Brazil
1993SeptemberGuest Faculty, IV PTCA Meeting, University of Alabama, Birmingham, USA
  Guest Faculty – Visiting Professor, Paraguayan Congress of Cardiology, Asunción, Paraguay
1994MayGuest Faculty – Visiting Professor, II Sessions on Cardiology and Cardiovascular Surgery, Deutsch Clinic, Catholic University, Santiago, Chile.
 JuneGuest Faculty, Interamerican Congress, Miami Vascular Institute, Miami, USA.
 AugustGuest Faculty – Visiting Professor, Meeting on Interventional Cardiology, Heart National Institute. Lima, Perú
 SeptemberGuest Faculty, V PTCA Meeting, University of Alabama, Birmingham, USA
 OctoberGuest Faculty, Course on Interventional Cardiology, Miami Heart Institute, Orlando, USA
  Guest Faculty, Visiting Professor, Brazilian Congress of Cardiology, Porto Alegre, Brazil.
1995JuneGuest Faculty , Centro Cardiovascular, Santiago Chile
 JulyGuest Faculty: I Congreso de la Sociedad Latinoamericana de Cardiología Intervencionista. San Pablo – Brasil
 AugustGuest Faculty: XVIII Congress of the European Society Cardiology. Amsterdam
 SeptemberGuest Faculty: Primer Curso Internacional de Intervencionismo por Imágenes. Hospital Guillermo Almenara. Lima – Peru
 OctoberGuest Faculty: Taller de Controversia en Cardiología. Clinica Alemana. Santiago Chile. Chile
 NovemberGuest Faculty XI Congreso Boliviano de Cardiología.  La Paz – Bolivia
  Guest Faculty: 68 th Scientific Sessions- American Heart Association, Anaheim, California, USA
 DecemberGuest Faculty XV Congreso Interamericano de Cardiología. Santiago – Chile
1996JanuaryGuest Faculty Interventional Coronary Stenting. Miami Heart Institute. Miami Beach – Florida
 MayGuest Faculty:  Complex Coronary Angioplasty and new techniques in international cardiology . Clinique Pasteur – Toulouse – France
 AugustGuest Faculty: Satellite Symposium European Society of Cardiology – Birminghan – United Kingdom
 NovemberGuest Faculty:  68th Scientific Sessions American Heart Association – New Orleans, Louisiana
 DecemberGuest Faculty: XXXIII Congreso de la Sociedad Chilena de Cardiología y Cirugía Cardiovascular, Valdivia, Chile
1997MarchGuest Faculty: 46th Annual Scientific Session, Anaheim, California, USA
 AprilGuest Faculty XI Practical Course in Interventional Cardiology  – Madrid, Spain
 May   JuneGuest Faculty:  The Endovascular Therapy Course in France – Paris ,  FranceGuest Faculty. President of Scientific Committee of the Latinamerican Congress of Interventional Cardiology (SOLACI).
 AugustGuest Faculty:  XIXth Congress of the European Society of Cardiology                                         Stockholm – Sweden
 SeptemberGuest Faculty: Washington Convention Center, Transcatheter Cardiovascular Therapeutics – IX Washington DC
 NovemberGuest Faculty: 70th Scientific Sessions, American Heart Association.                              Orlando, Florida, USA
 DecemberGuest Faculty: 4th Thoraxcenter Course on Coronary Stenting Rotterdam, Holanda
1998JanuaryGuest Faculty: International Andreas Gruentzig Society Meeting. Punta del Este, Uruguay
 FebruaryGuest Faculty: 10th Annual Advances in Diagnostic and Therapeutic Cardiac                                         Cathterization. Orlando, Florida, USA
  Guest Faculty: Whistler Conference. Vancouver, Canada
 MarchGuest Faculty: Kamakura Live Conference. Tokio, Japan
  Guest Speaker: 47th Annual Scientific Seccion, American College of Cardiology. Atlanta – USA
  National Guest Speaker. Actualization Course: Cardiology 98. Cardiology Society from Tucumán. Tucumán, Argentina
 AprilGuest Speaker: Joint Symposium of the Interventional Cardiology Societies from the Americas, Europe and Asia. Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
  Guest Speaker: World Congress of Cardiology. Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
 MayGuest Faculty: Endovascular Therapy Course Coronary and Peripheral.Toulouse, France
 June  Guest Faculty: “Current Medical and Interventional Therapy in Acute Coronary Syndromes”. Mount Sinai Medical Center – New York, USA
  National Guest Speaker: – Continuous Medical Education- Annual Course of Cardiology-IV Coronary Arteriosclerosis. Org. Harvard Medical International. Buenos Aires, Argentina
  National Guest Speaker: “Symposium”. Italian Hospital from Rosario. Rosario, Argentina.
  National Guest Speaker. “VII National Congress of Cardiology”. Argentina Federation of Cardiology. Rosario, Argentina.
 JulyGuest Speaker: Madrid Interventional Cardiology (MIC1998) Madrid , España
 AugustGuest Speaker: II Jornada de la Sociedad Latinoamericana de Cardiología                            Intervencionista (SOLACI 98). Montevideo, Uruguay
  Guest Faculty: The Annual Convention of the European Society of Cardiology. Vienna, Austria
 SeptemberHonor Guest Speaker. XXXI Venezolan Congress of Cardiology. Municipio Vargas, Venezuela.
  International Panelist. VIII. Trasandinas Journals of Cardiology and Cardiovascular Cirugy. Santiago, Chile.
 OctoberFaculty Member: Transcatheter Cardiovascular Therapeutics – Tenth Anniversary. Washington, USA
  Director Symposium de Hemodinamia XXV Congreso Argentino de Cardiología, Sociedad Argentina de Cardiología. Buenos Aires, Argentina
 November71st Scientific Sessions, American Heart Association. Dallas, USA
 DecemberChairman: South table: Interventional Symposium Favaloro Foundation.                    Buenos Aires, Argentina
  Guest Speaker: National Congress Argentino. Council and Interventional Cardiology. Buenos Aires, Argentina
  Guest Faculty. International Andreas Gruentzig Society (IAGS) Meeting. Punta del Este, Uruguay
1999JanuaryChairman: The Dawn of a New Era in the Treatment of Acute Myocardial                             Infarction. Florence, Italy
 FebruaryGuest Faculty: Whistler Conference.  Vancouver, Canadá
  Guest Faculty: 47th Annual Meeting American College of Cardiology.New Orleans, USA
 MarchGuest Faculty: VII Interventional Cardiology Course of the National Institute of Cardiology “Ignacio Chavez”. México, México
 AugustGuest Speaker: III Congress of Interventional Cardiology Latinoamerican Society (SOLACI 99). Santiago, Chile
 SeptemberGuest Faculty: Transcatheter Cardiovascular Therapeutics. Washington DC, USA
 DecemberNational Guest Speaker: Sociedad Argentina de Cardiologia (SAC)
2000FebruaryGuest Faculty: The Whistler Course 2000.Vancouver. Canada
 MarchGuest Faculty: American College of Cardiology (ACCIS 2000). Anaheim, California. USA
 MayGuest Faculty: The Paris Course on Revascularization. Paris. France
  Guest Faculty: 6th Biennial International Andreas Gruentzig Society (IAGS) Meeting. Crete, Greece.
 JulyGuest Faculty. VI Congress of Interventional Cardiology Latinoamerican Society (SOLACI 2000). Caracas. Venezuela.
 AugustGuest Faculty. XXII Congress of European Society of Cardiology.Amsterdan. The Netherland. Holanda
 SeptemberOrganizing Committee: The Interventional Cardiology Symposium in the Argentine Congress of Cardiology. Buenos Aires. Argentina
  Director: Interventional Cardiology Course. CECI 2000. Otamendi Hospital. Buenos Aires Argentina
 OctoberGuest Faculty:  TCT. Transcatheter Cardiovascular Therapeutics.Washington. USA.
 NovemberGuest Speaker: GISE. National Congress of Italian Invasive Cardiology. Palermo. Italia
2001JanuaryGuest Faculty: 10th Singapore LIVE (Live Interventions in Vascular Endotherapy. Singapore.
 FebruaryGuest Faculty: 50 Anniversary Mexico Institute of Cardiology. Mexico, Mexico
  Guest Faculty : 10 th Annual Interventional Cardiology Whistler Course 2001New Practices In Interventional Cardiology – Vancouver, Canada.
 MarchGuest Faculty: American College of Cardiology, 50th Annual Scientific Session. Orlando. USA
 AprilGuest Speaker. XX National Congress of Cardiology – FAC 2001. Catheterization Symposium Therapy. Córdoba. Argentina
 MayGuest Faculty. EURO – PCR 2001. The Paris Course on Revascularization. Paris. France
 JuneGuest Speaker. I International Symposium of Ischemic Cardiopathy from the Cardiology Institute of Corrientes. Corrientes, Argentina
  Contribution Faculty and CathSap II American College of Cardiology. USA
 JulyGuest Speaker. VII Congress of the Latinoamerican Society of Interventional Cardiology. Mexico, Mexico
 SeptemberGuest Faculty. TCT 2001, Transcatheter Cardiovascular Therapeutics. Washington DC, USA.
  Director: Interventional Cardiology Course. CECI 2001. Otamendi Hospital Buenos Aires, Argentina
  Organizing Committee: The Interventional Cardiology Symposium in the Argentine Congress of Cardiology. Buenos Aires. Argentina
 OctoberGuest Faculty. GISE Meeting. Cuomo, Italy
 DecemberPresident. National Congress of Cardiology. Argentine Society of Interventional Cardiology. Bariloche, Argentina.
 DecemberGuest Faculty. Chilean Congress of Cardiology. Pucón, Chile
2002FebruaryGuest Faculty. IAGS International Andreas Gruentzig Society Meeting. St. Lucia, Caribbean
 MarchGuest Faculty. ACC Cardiology Meeting Atlanta. USA
 MayGuest Faculty. National Symposium. Society for Cardiac Angiography and Interventions (SCA & I ). Seattle, Washington.
  Guest Faculty. EURO – PCR 2001. The Paris Course on Revascularization. Paris. France
  Guest Faculty. Society for Cardiac Angiography Meeting. Seattle. USA
  Guest Faculty. Euro PCR 2002. Paris France
  National Guest Speaker. Course of the Argentininan Society of Cardiology (SAC). “From the problem to solution”Buenos Aires, Argentina
  National Guest Speaker. Simposio Cardiología 2002. “The Italo Argentinian focus”(UBA) Buenos Aires, Argentina
 JuneGuest Faculty. Miyazaki, Japan
  National Guest Speaker. “The Health in Argentina” ( SAC ). Buenos Aires,    Argentina
 JulyGuest Faculty. VIII Congress of the Latin American Society of Interventional Cardiology (SOLACI). Lima, Peru
 AugustGuest Faculty. Interventional Cardiology Symposium Federation Argentine of Cardiology (FAC 2002). Mar del Plata, Argentina
 SeptemberGuest Faculty. TCT 2002, Transcatheter Cardiovascular Therapeutics. Washington DC, USA
 OctoberGuest Faculty. XXIX Argentine Congress of Cardiology. Argentine Society of Interventional Cardiology (SAC-CACI). Buenos Aires, Argentina
  . President Interventional Cardiology Symposium in the Argentine Congress of cardiology (CECI 2002). Otamendi Hospital. Buenos Aires, Argentina
 NovemberGuest Faculty. XII Interventional Cardiology Congress (CACI 2002). Córdoba, Argentina
  Guest Faculty. Interventional Cardiology Congress Society of Interventional Cardiology of Mexico ( SOCIME 2002 ). Monterrey, Mexico.
  Guest Faculty. International Andreas Gruentzig Society (IAGS) Meeting. St. Lucía (Caribbean).
2003MarchGuest Faculty: 2ª Interventional Cardiology Meeting. Isla Múcura – Colombia
 JulyGuest Faculty: IX Congress of SOLACI / XXV Congress of SBHCI. Sao Paulo, Brasil  
 AugustGuest Faculty: XXII National Congress of Cardiology (FAC). Buenos Aires, Argentina
  Guest Faculty: Revascularization in multivessel dissease in Argentina. (SAC) Rosario, Argentina
 SeptemberGuest Faculty. TCT 2003, Transcatheter Cardiovascular Therapeutics. Washington DC, USA
 OctoberPresident Interventional Cardiology Symposium in the Argentine Congress of cardiology (CECI 2003). Otamendi Hospital. Buenos Aires, Argentina.
 OctoberGuest Faculty: XXX Argentine Congress of Cardiology (SAC) Buenos Aires, Argentina
  Guest Faculty: Endovascular and Myocardial Therapies (TEAM) – Madrid España
  Guest Faculty: Pre-Congress Course, Actual and future cardiology 2003 –Sanatorio Guemes. Buenos Aires, Argentina
 NovemberGuest Faculty: XIII CACI Congress. Mar del Plata, Argentina
  Guest Faculty AHA 2003
 DecemberGuest Faculty: XL Chilean Congress od Cardiology and Cardiovascular surgery, Viña del Mar – Chile
2004JanuaryGuest Faculty; 8th Biennial Meeting of the International Andreas Gruentzing Society. Lanai Hawaii
 MarchGuest Faculty; 53 rd Anual Scientific Session. (ACC). New Orleans USA
  Guest Faculty. TEP course “ Endovascular Percutaneous Therapies” Buenos Aires Argentina
 AprilGuest Faculty. XI Intervencionist Cardiology Simposium. La Habana , Cuba
 MayGuest Faculty. EURO – PCR 2004. The Paris Course on Revascularization. Paris. France.
  Guest Faculty. XXIII National Congress of Cardiology. FAC. Tucuman, Argentina
 JuneGuest Faculty: Simposium “Myocardial Revascularization in High Risk Patients”, Rosario, Argentina
 AugustGuest Faculty. Congress of European Society of Cardiology. Munich, Alemania
  Guest Faculty; X Congress of the  Latin American Society of Interventional Cardiology (SOLACI) , Buenos Aires, Argentina
 SeptemberGuest Faculty. TCT 2004, Transcatheter Cardiovascular Therapeutics. Washington DC, USA
 OctoberPresident Interventional Cardiology Symposium in the Argentine Congress of cardiology (CECI 2004). Otamendi Hospital. Buenos Aires, Argentina
  Guest Faculty, XXXI Argentine Congress of Cardiology (SAC). Buenos Aires, Argentina
 NovemberGuest Faculty. Congreso (SOCIME) Ciudad de Mexico, Mexico
  Guest Faculty. International Andreas Gruentzig Society (IAGS) Meeting. Lanai, Hawaii
2005MarchGuest Faculty; (ACC). USA
  Guest Faculty, Cardiovascular Revascularization Therapies (CRT), Washington DC, USA
 AprilGuest Faculty, SOLACI Mexico
 MayEURO – PCR 2005. The Paris Course on Revascularization. Paris. France.
2006MarchGuest Faculty; Annual Scientific Session. (ACC). Atlanta- USA
 AprilGuest Faculty, Cardiovascular Revascularization Therapies  (CRT) Washington DC, USA
  Guest Faculty, TCT 2006,  Transcatheter Cardiovascular Therapeutics, Asia Pacific, Seoul Korea
  Guest Speaker II Reunión sobre prevención y tratamiento de las complicaciones  en intervenciones coronario percutáneo, Barcelona, Spain.
 JuneGuest Speaker, 15th Interventional Cardiology Symposium at the Center Theatre in old Montreal.-
 NovemberPresident Interventional Cardiology Symposium in the Argentine Congress of cardiology (CACI – CECI) Pcia. De San Luis.-
  Guest Faculty. International Andreas Gruentzig Society (IAGS) Meeting. Canouan (Caribbean).
2007FebruaryGuest Speaker, 5TH Annual Miami International Revascularization Summit (MIRS)
 MarchGuest Faculty, Cardiovascular Revascularization Therapies (CRT), Washington DC, USA
  Guest Faculty; Annual Scientific Session. (ACC), New Orleans, Louisiana, USA
 AprilGuest Speaker, TEP 2007, Terapeutica Endovascular Percutanea, Buenos Aires, Argentina
 SeptemberGuest Faculty. Congress of European Society of Cardiology, ESC. Vienna, Austria.
   Guest Faculty. International Andreas Gruentzig Society Meeting (IAGS). Zurich, Switzerland.
  Guest Faculty. International Andreas Gruentzig Society (IAGS) Meeting. Zurich, Switzerland.
2008FebruaryGuest Speaker, III Reunión sobre prevención y tratamiento de las complicaciones en intervencionismo coronario percutáneo. Barcelona, Spain.Guest Faculty, Cardiovascular Revascularization Therapies (CRT). Washington, DC. USA.Guest Speaker Cardiovascular Congress 2008. Miami Beach, Florida.
 MayGuest Speaker, World Congress of Cardiology. Buenos Aires, Argentina. Guest Speaker, PCR. Barcelona, Spain.
 JulyGuest Speaker, 14th World Congress on Heart Disease, International Academy of Cardiology. Annual Scientific Sessions 2008. Toronto, ON, Canada.
 OctoberGuest Speaker, Transcatheter Cardiovascular Therapeutics (TCT) 2008. Washington, DC. USA.
 FebruaryGuest Speaker, Cardiovascular Congress 2009. Miami Beach, Florida.Guest Faculty, Annual Scientific Session American College of Cardiology (AAC) 2009. Orlando, Florida.
 MarchGuest Speaker, China Interventional Therapeutics (CIT) 2009. Beijing, China.
 SeptemberGuest Speaker, Transcatheter Cardiovascular Thearpeutics (TCT). The Moscone Center, San Francisco, USA.
 NovemberGuest Speaker, American Heart Association (AHA). Orlando, Florida. USA.
2010  January   MarchGuest Faculty. 10th Biennial Meeting of the International Andreas Gruentzig Society. Cape Town and Sabi Sabi, South Africa. Guest Speaker, China Interventional Therapeutics (CIT) 2010. Beijing, China.
 MayChairperson, Euro PCR 2010. Paris, France.
 June     AugustGuest Faculty, Guest Speaker, 2010 Live Symposium of Complex                 Coronary & Vascular Cases. New York, USA.      Guest Faculty. President of the Scientific Committee of the Latinamerican Congress of Interventional Cardiology (SOLACI).
2011  MarchGuest Faculty. China Interventional Therapeutics (CIT). Beijing, China.
 MayGuest Faculty. Congress of the European Association of Percutaneous
     JuneCardiovascular Interventions  (PCR). Paris, France. Guest Faculty, Guest Speaker. CCC Live Symposium of Complex Coronary & Vascular Cases. New York, USA.
 NovemberGuest Faculty. Transcatheter Cardiovascular Therapeutics (TCT). San Francisco, California.
2012  MarchGuest Faculty. China Interventional Therapeutics (CIT). Beijing, China
 MayGuest Faculty. Congress of the European Association of Percutaneous
   JuneCardiovascular Interventions  (PCR). Paris, France. Guest Faculty. Live Symposium of Complex Coronary & Vascular Cases. New York, USA.
 OctoberGuest Faculty. Transcatheter Cardiovascular Therapeutics (TCT). Miami, Florida.Guest Faculty. 11th Biennial Meeting of the International Andreas Gruentzig Society (IAGS). Costa Rica.
2013  March   JuneGuest Faculty. China Interventional Therapeutics (CIT). Beijing, ChinaGuest Faculty. Live Symposium of Complex Coronary, Valvular and Vascular Cases. New York, USA.   
 October/NovemberGuest Faculty. Transcatheter Cardiovascular Therapeutics (TCT). San Francisco, California
2014  March   JuneGuest Faculty. China Interventional Therapeutics (CIT). Beijing, China.Guest Faculty. Live Symposium of Complex Coronary Valvular, and Vascular Cases. New York, USA.
 SeptemberGuest Faculty. Transcatheter Cardiovascular Therapeutics (TCT). Washington, DC.
 November/DecemberGuest Faculty. Left Main & Coronary Bifurcation Summit (CBS). Nanjing, China. Guest Faculty. 12th Biennial Meeting of the International Andreas Gruentzig Society (IAGS). Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
2015  March   JuneGuest Faculty. China Interventional Therapeutics (CIT). Beijing, China.Guest Faculty. Live Symposium of Complex Coronary Valvular, and Vascular Cases. New York, USA.
 OctoberGuest Faculty. Transcatheter Cardiovascular Therapeutics (TCT). San Francisco, California
 November/DecemberGuest Faculty. Left Main & Coronary Bifurcation Summit (CBS). Nanjing, China. 
2016  January March/AprilGuest Faculty. 13th Biennial Meeting of the International Andreas Gruentzig Society (IAGS). Queenstown, New ZealandGuest Faculty. China Interventional Therapeutics (CIT). Beijing, China
 JuneGuest Faculty. Live Symposium of Complex Coronary Valvular, and Vascular Cases. New York, USA. Guest Faculty. Annual Complex Cardiovascular Catheter Therapeutics: Advanced Endovascular and Coronary Intervention Global Summit (C3). Orlando, Florida. 
 OctoberGuest Faculty. Transcatheter Cardiovascular Therapeutics (TCT). Washington, DC. 
 November/DecemberGuest Faculty. Left Main & Coronary Bifurcation Summit (CBS). Nanjing, China. 
2017  March/AprilGuest Faculty. China Interventional Therapeutics (CIT). Beijing, China.
 JuneGuest Faculty. Annual Complex Cardiovascular Catheter Therapeutics: Advanced Endovascular and Coronary Intervention Global Summit (C3). Orlando, Florida.  
 September   October/NovemberGuest Faculty. 40th Anniversary of PTCA. International Andreas Gruentzig Society Meeting. Zurich, Switzerland. Guest Faculty. Transcatheter Cardiovascular Therapeutics (TCT). Denver, Colorado
 November/DecemberGuest Faculty. Left Main & Coronary Bifurcation Summit (CBS). Nanjing, China
2018  MarchGuest Faculty. China Interventional Therapeutics (CIT). Jiangsu, China.
 JuneGuest Faculty. Annual Complex Cardiovascular Catheter Therapeutics: Advanced Endovascular and Coronary Intervention Global Summit (C3). Orlando, Florida.
 SeptemberGuest Faculty. Transcatheter Cardiovascular Therapeutics (TCT). San Diego, California
 November/DecemberGuest Faculty. Left Main & Coronary Bifurcation Summit (CBS). Nanjing, China.
2019                February March/April    Guest Faculty. 15th Biennial International Andreas Gruentzig Society. Puerto Natales, Chile. Guest Faculty. China Interventional Therapeutics (CIT). Beijing, China.
 MayGuest Faculty. European Association of Percutaneous Cardiovascular Interventions (PCR). Paris, France.
 JuneGuest Faculty. Annual Complex Cardiovascular Catheter Therapeutics: Advanced Endovascular and Coronary Intervention Global Summit (C3). Orlando, Florida.
 SeptemberGuest Faculty. Transcatheter Cardiovascular Therapeutics (TCT). San Francisco, California
    2020November/December   August   September November  Guest Faculty. Left Main & Coronary Bifurcation Summit (CBS). Nanjing, China.   Guest Faculty. President of Scientific Committee of Latinamerican Congress of Interventional Cardiology (SOLACI).

Guest Faculty. Transcatheter Cardiovascular Therapeutics (TCT). San Francisco, California.Guest Faculty. Left Main & Coronary Bifurcation Summit (CBS). Nanjing, China.   Sociedad Argentina de Cardiologia consejo de hemodinamia y cardiología Intervencionista, docente en curdo virtual 2020  
Published Books
1985Rodriguez Alfredo E , De La Fuente L M: Therapeutics by catheterization in ischemic cardiopathy (Transluminal Angioplasty – Coronary Thrombolysis). Editors: Intermédica, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
1988Rodriguez Alfredo E : Coronary Transluminal Angioplasty. Editors: Sinopsis, Buenos Aires,  Argentina.
1989Rodriguez Alfredo E , Pérez Baliño N: Up-to-date tendencies in Cardiology Editors:  Intermédica, Buenos Aires, Argentina
2015John Ambrose and Rodriguez Alfredo E , Editors. Controversies in Cardiology. Editorial Springer Verlag, Great Britain, (Editor-autor)
Collaborations (Books)
1980Liotta D: Cardiac Surgery Technics. Rodriguez Alfredo E ; Co-author, chapters 4 and 5.               Editors: Intermédica, Buenos Aires, Argentina
1981Pichel R, Patritti J P, De la Fuente L M: Ventricular Function in Ischemic Cardiopathy.  Rodriguez Alfredo E , author in one chapter. Editors: Intermédica, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
1985Kaplan M, Feldestein C: Clinical Cardiology. Rodriguez Alfredo E , author of the chapter: Coronary Thrombolysis. Editors: Panamericana, Buenos Aires, Argentina
1993Bertolasi C, Ramos A: IV Up-to-Date Cardiology. Rodriguez Alfredo E , Santaera O, Micelli M, authors of the chapter: Coronary Restenosis. Editors: Intermédica, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
1994Gary S. Roubin, Larry Dean. Rodriguez Alfredo E , author in one chapter – University of Alabama at Birmingham. Interventional Cardiology. Edited by University of Alabama
1995Gary S. Roubin, Larry Dean. Rodriguez Alfredo E , author in one chapter  – University of Alabama at Birmingham. Interventional Cardiology. Edited by University of Alabama
1996Interventional Cardiology. Rodriguez Alfredo E , author in one chapter.Edited by Jean Marco, Jean Fajadet, Augusto Pichard, Henry Amor. Paris
1997Bertolasi. Cardiology 2000. Rodriguez Alfredo E , author in two Chapters. Restenosis  and Multivessel Angioplasty.     Editorial Panamericana, Buenos Aires, Argentina
1998Handbook of Coronary Stent. Rodriguez Alfredo E , author in one chapter. Editors by Patrick W. Serruys and Michael Kutryk. Editorial Martin Dunitz, London, Great Britain Interventional Cardiology in three continents .Edited by Jacques Puel, John Ambrose, Alfredo Rodríguez Interventional Cardiology in three continents .Edited by Jacques Puel, John Ambrose, Alfredo Rodríguez
2001Text book of High Risk Interventions. Editor Douglas Morrison – Editorial Saunders New York, USA. Author of the chapter, “Coronary stents and Surgery in High Risk Patients. A look From the South.” Rodriguez Alfredo E
2007Author of the chapter “Role of Systemic Antineoplasic Drugs in the Prevention of Restenosis after Percutaneous Stent Implantation”, of the book Textbook of Interventional Cardiovascular Pharmacology, edited by Nicolas Kipshidze, Jawad Fareed, Patrick W. Serruys and Jeff Moses  
2009Author of the chapter “Comparative Randomized Studies between Angioplasty and Coronary Surgery: Lessons learned from studies ERACI I and ERACI II” in the book Cardiovascular Interventions SOLACI, edited by Amanda G.R.M. Sousa, Alexandre A. Abizaid, Marco Martinez Rios, Daniel Berrocal and J. Eduardo Sousa.   Author of the chapter “Is Oral Rapamycin plus Bare Metal Stents a Feasible Alternative to Drug-Eluting Stents? Lessons learned from Argentina Observational and Randomized Studies (ORAR I, II and III Trials)” in the book Pharmacology in the Catheterization Laboratory, edited by Ron Waksman and Andrew Ajani. Chapter in the book “Cardiovascular emergencies in the elderly”, edited by Jorge E. Tronge. (confirmar año y capitulo)
Papers published in peer reviewed journals  
Rodriguez Alfredo E, Leguizamón JH, Cipolla L, Weinschelbaum E, Favaloro R, De la Fuente L M:  Asymptomatic chronic infarction. Clinical angiographical correlation. Argentine J Cardiol 47/5: 322, 1979. Rodriguez Alfredo E, Leguizamón E, Caramutti V, Favaloro R, De la Fuente L M: Equivalent to lesions in the left coronary artery. Corde, year 1, vol 3: 1979. De la Fuente L M, Leguizamón J H, Patritti J P, Alvarez C, Rodriguez Alfredo E, Rojo H: Selective coronariography and its interpretation. Medicine J, first series, vol 18: 1362, 1979. Leguizamón D, Patritti J, Rodriguez Alfredo E, Vetcher D, De la Fuente L M: Normal x-ray picture anatony of coronary arteries. Corde, vol 3: 148, 1979. Vetcher D, Leguizamón J H, Patritti J P, Rojo H, Rodriguez Alfredo E, De la Fuente L M. Coronary: interpretation and diagnostic mistakes. Corde, vol 4:301, 1979. Rojo H, Rodriguez Alfredo E, De la Fuente L M: A study on the left ventricular function in the interauricular communication in the ostium secundum type. Arg. Cardiol J, vol 48: 264, Rojo H, Rodriguez Alfredo E, De la Fuente L M: A study on the left ventricular function in the interauricular communication in the ostium secundum type. Arg. Cardiol J, vol 48: 264, 1980. Rojo H, De la Fuente L M, Rodriguez Alfredo E, Zuffardi E, Favaloro R G: Non transmural acute infarction: clinical and angiographical foundings. Arg Cardiol J, vol 48, 6: 315, 1980. Rodriguez Alfredo E, Zuffardi E, Patritti J, Rojo H, Favaloro R, De la Fuente L M: Asymptomatic chronic infarction (ICA). A six year follow-up. Corde, year 1, vol 4: 231, 1980. Rodriguez Alfredo E, Zuffardi E, Rojo H, De la Fuente L M: Transluminal angioplasty: a preliminary report. Corde, year 2, vol 1: 19, 1981. Patritti J, Rodriguez Alfredo E, Zuffardi E, De la Fuente L M: Reversible asinergy. Corde year 2, vol 2: 120, 1981. Rodriguez Alfredo E, Díaz R, Zuffardi E, Navarro P, De la Fuente L M: Percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty. Argentine J Cardiol, 50, 2: 78, 1982. Rodriguez Alfredo E: Transluminal angioplasty. Coronary Thrombolysis. Book on Medical Sciences,University El Salvador, Buenos Aires, 1982. Rodriguez Alfredo E, Zuffardi E, Rojo H, Altman R, De la Fuente L M: Treatment of acute myocardial infarction by combination between the use of intracoronary fibrinolitics and transluminal angioplasty. Argentine J Cardiol, 50/5: 337, 1982. Rodriguez Alfredo E, Cohen A, Pichel R, Zuffardi E, Rojo H, Favaloro R G, De la Fuente L M: Changes in the left ventricular function post intracoronary thrombolysis in patients with acute transmural myocardial infarction. Argentine J Cardiol, 51/5: 305, 1982. 16.     Rodriguez Alfredo E, Rojo H, Altman R, Weinschelbaum E, De la Fuente L M: Intracoronary fibrinolitics in acute     myocardial infarction. A two year’s study. Corde, year 3, vol 4: 40, 1982. Rodriguez Alfredo E, Pichel R, Cabrera E, De la Fuente L M: Characteristics of the atheromatose plaque and  possibilities for angioplasty dilatation. Corde, Year 4, vol 3: 27, 1983. Rodriguez Alfredo E, Bitonte G, D’Ortencio A, Rojo H, Zuffardi E, De la Fuente L M: Analysis of the factibility of transluminal coronary angioplasty in acute and subacute myocardial infarction. Argentine J Cardiol, 52/2: 169, 1983. Rodriguez Alfredo E, De la Fuente L M: Transluminal Coronary Angioplasty. Argentine J Cardiol, 12/4: 294, 1983. Rodriguez Alfredo E, Zuffardi E, Rojo H, Weinschelbaum E, Favaloro R, De la Fuente L M: Selective cinecoronariography in the evaluation pre-surgery for patients with aortic valvuloplasty. Corde, year 4, vol 3: 121, 1983. Rodriguez Alfredo E, Bordonava A, Gabe E: Coronary occlusion during transluminal angioplasty. Argentine J Cardiol, 53/10: 1984. Rodriguez Alfredo E, Cabrera E, Pichel R, Wisner J, Zuffardi E, De la Fuente L M: Clinical angiograhic predictors in the results of transluminal coronary angioplasty. Argentine J Cardiol, 57/1: 27, 1984 Rodriguez Alfredo E, Gabe E, De la Fuente L M: Physiopathogenia in the acute myocardial infarction. Corde. 26, 1984. Rodriguez Alfredo E: Transluminal coronary angioplasty. Editorial Corde, year 5, vol 2: 13, 1985. Rodriguez Alfredo E, Gallardo P, Bordonava A, De la Fuente L M: Transluminal coronary angioplasty in the transmural myocardial infarction after six hours. Corde, year 5, vol 4: 37, 1985. Rodriguez Alfredo E, Otero F, Pérez Baliño N, Lugones M: Reduction of the degree of obstruction after thrombolytic therapy clinical and morphologic factors. Vol Cardiol, Chile, 5: 97, 1986. Rodriguez Alfredo E, Wisner J, Gallardo P, Risau G, De la Fuente L M: Aortic valvuloplasty using catheter in severe aortic stenosis in old people. Early and six month follow-up. Argentine J Cardiol, 31 – 542, 1987 Sarmiento R, Blugherman J, Rodriguez Alfredo E, Díaz R, Turri D, Bertolasi C: Possible link between acute myocardial infarction related to coronary artery narrowing and presence of a previous coronary event. Am J Cardiol, 60: 721, 1987. Rodriguez Alfredo E: Prognostic value of the coronariography. Where is the mistake? Argentine J Cardiol, 16/1: 13, 1987. Rodriguez Alfredo E, Wisner J, Peñaloza E, Santaera O, De la Fuente L M, Pérez Baliño N: Complex coronary angioplasty. Immediate and late results. Argentine J Cardiol, 55/3: 107, 1987. Cazzaniga M, Rodriguez Alfredo E, Bordonava A, Gamboa R, Castelli M, Vitaco M, Dietl C: Therapeutic cardiovascular catheterization in children and teen-agers. Corde, year 8, vol 1: 49, 1987. Rodriguez Alfredo E, Santaera O, Lugones M, De la Fuente L M, Pérez Baliño N: Clinical angiographic correlates in the transmural acute infarction using thrombolitics. Medicina J 48: 132, 1988. Rodriguez Alfredo E, Santaera O, Risau G, Sosa Liprandi M I, Díaz R, Pérez Baliño N, Lugones M: Early angiographic study post successful angioplasty. Predictor of late restenosis. Medicina J 50: 505, 1990. Rodriguez Alfredo E: Coronary restenosis. Therapeutics Hyphotesis, 19/3: 203, (Editorial).Rev. Fed. Arg. Cardiol, 1990. Rodriguez Alfredo E, Santaera O, Fernandez M, Szejnfeld M, Sosa Liprandi M I, Pérez Baliño N, Risau G: Digital coronary angiography. A new view in the analysis of the atherosclerotic plaque. Medicina J 51: 209, 1991. Rodriguez Alfredo E: Coronary angiographic quantification and functional assesment. Federation Journal of Cardiology Editorial, 20/2: 97, 1991. Rodriguez Alfredo E, Santaera O, Fernández M. Digital angiographic in the diagnosis of Coronary  Disease. Intercontinental Cardiology Journal, 1, 2, 25, 1992. Rodriguez Alfredo E, Perez Baliño N: Coronary angioplasty in multiple obstructions. Is it the first option in revascularization? Arg J Cardiol, 60/4: 1992. (Editorial). Rodriguez Alfredo E: Angiographic analysis of the coronary obstruction in acute and chronic ischemia. Chapters on Cardiology, edited by the Arg Soc of Cardiol, 1992. Rodriguez Alfredo E: Coronary restenosis mechanisms. Chapters on Cardiology, edited by the Arg Soc of Cardiol, 1992. Rodriguez Alfredo E, Boullón F, Pérez Baliño N, Sosa Liprandi M I, Mele E, Santaera O, Paviotti C, Palacios I.”Argentine randomized trial coronary angioplasty vs. by pass surgery in hospital results and one year follow-up (ERACI)”. J Am Coll. Cardiol 22: 1060, 1993. Rodriguez Alfredo E, Santaera O, Larribau M, Sosa Liprandi M I, Palacios I. “Early decrease in minimal luminal diameter after successful PTCA predicts late restenosis”. Am J Cardiol 1993; 71:1391-1395. Pérez Baliño N, Masoli O, Rodriguez Alfredo E, Iturria M, Martinez Sampere J J, Becerra D, Méndez R, Sporn V: Effort-rest isotopic ventriculography in asymptomatic patients after transluminal percutaneous angioplasty for clasifying high and low risk complications. Nuclear Med. Spanish J 12, 3: 129, 1993. Rodriguez Alfredo E, Boullon F, Perez-Baliño N, Paviotti C, Sosa Liprandi M, Palacios IF. “Argentine Randomized Trial of Percutaneous Transluminal Coronary Angioplasty versus Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery in Multivessel Disease (ERACI): In-Hospital Results and 1-Year Follow-up”. J Am Coll Cardiol 1993; 22: 1060-7. Rodriguez Alfredo E: A new restenosis model. Arg J of Cardiol, 60, 341. (Editorial), 1993. Rodriguez Alfredo E. ”Director Core Laboratories for Angiography, the RAPT investigators: Randomized trial of Ridogrel, a combined Thrombexane A2 Synthase inhibitor and Thrombexane A2 / Protoglandin Endoperoxide receptor antagonist vs. Aspirin as adjunct to Thrombolysis in patients with acute myocardial infarction. The Ridogrel vs. Aspirine Patency Trial (RAPT)”. Circulation 89: 588, 1994. Rodriguez Alfredo E., Santaera O., Larribau M., Rojas R., Peyregne E., Mele E., Pérez Baliño.   Primary PTCA in the treatmente of infarction. Clinical angiographic results. Arg. J of Cardiology, 62: 483 – 490, 1994. Rodriguez Alfredo E., Cristino A., Fernández M., Santaera O., Larribau M., Pérez Baliño N., Mele E.  Role of PTA in the revascularization of symptomatic obstructions in supraortic vessels. Arg. J of Cardiol 62: 483 – 490, 1994 Rodriguez Alfredo E.: Randomized studies in myocardial revascularization ERACI, EAST, CABRI, GABI, RITA, new therapeutics modalities in ischaemic heart disease. Editorial Arg. J of Cardiol 1994. Rodriguez Alfredo E, Santaera O, Larribau M, Fernández M, Sarmiento R, Perez-Baliño N, Newell JB, Roubin G, Palacios I. “Coronary stenting decreases restenosis in lesions with early loss in luminal diameter 24 hours after successful PTCA”. Circulation 1995:91 1027-1042. 51.  S. Pocock, R Henderson, Rodriguez Alfredo E, et al. “Meta analysis of randomized trials comparing   coronary angioplasty with bypass surgery”. Lancet 1995; 346:1184-89 Rodriguez Alfredo E, Palacios I, Fernandez M et al. “Time course and mechanism of early luminal diameter loss after PTCA”. Am J Cardiol. 1995;76:1131-1134 Rodriguez Alfredo E, Fernandez M, Santaera O, Larribau M, Bernardi V, Castaño H, Palacios I. “Coronary stenting in patients undergoing percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty during Acute Myocardial Infarction”. Am J Cardiol 1996;77:685-689 Rodriguez Alfredo E, J Ambrose. Editorial. “Do we require a cure for  stentmania´?” J Am Coll Cardiol 1996,28:827-9. Rodriguez Alfredo E, Mele E, Peyregne E, Boullon F, Perez Baliño N, Sosa Liprandi M, Palacios I “Three years follow up of the Argentine randomized trial of percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty versus coronary bypass surgery in multivessel disease (ERACI)”. J Am Coll. Cardiol 1996;27:1178-84 N Perez Baliño, O Masoli, A Meretta,Rodriguez Alfredo E , D Cragnolino, S Perrone, F Boullon, E Mele, I Palacios, K Brown. “Amrinone Stimulation Test: Ability to Predict Improvement in Left Ventricular Ejection Fraction after Coronary Bypass Surgery in Patients With Poor Baseline Left Ventricular Function”. J Am Coll Cardiol 1996;28:1488-92 57.  Rodriguez Alfredo E, Ayala F, Bernardi V, Santaera O, Marchand E, Pardiñas C, Mauvecin C, Vogel D, Harrell LC,  Palacios I. “Optimal coronary balloon angioplasty with provisional stenting vs primary stent (OCBAS). Inmediate and Long-Term Follow-Up Results”. J Am Coll. Cardiol 1998;   32:1351-7. Rodriguez Alfredo E, Bernardi V, Fernadnez M, Mauvecin C, Ayala F, Santaera O, Martinez J, Mele, E, Roubin G, Palacios I, Ambrose J. “In-Hospital and Late Results of Cornary Stent versus Conventional Balloon Angioplasty in Acute Myocardial Infarction (GRAMI trial)”. Am J Cardiol 1998; 81: 1286-1291). Moreno P, Fallon J, Bernardi V, Harrel L, Weissman N, Fuster V, Rodriguez Alfredo E, Palacios I. Histopatology of Coronary lesions with early loss of minimal luminal diameter after succesfull percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty: Is the thrombus a significant contributor?J Am. Coll Cardiol, 1998; 136:804-811. Rodriguez Alfredo E. Stent trial in Acute Myocardial Infarction. J of Inv Cardiol, Vol 11, No 1, January 1999. Roqué F, Mon G, Belardi J, Rodriguez Alfredo E, Grinfeld L, Long R, Grossman S, Malcom A, Zon G, Ormont L. M, Fischman L. D, Shi Y and Zalewski A. Safety of Intracoronary Administration of c-myc Antisense Oligomers After Percutaneous Transluminal Coronary Angioplasty (PTCA). 2001,  11:99-106 Rodriguez Alfredo E; Bernardi V; Navia J; Baldi J; Grinfeld L; Martinez J; Vogel D; Grinfeld R; Delacasa A; Garrido M; Oliveri R; Mele E; Palacios I; O’Neill W on behalf of the ERACI II Investigators. “Argentine Randomized Study: Coronary Angioplasty with Stenting vs. Coronary Bypass Surgery In-Patients with Multiple Vessel Disease (ERACI II): 30 days and long term follow up results”. J. Am Coll. Cardiol, 2001 Jan;37(1):51-8. doi: 10.1016/s0735-1097(00)01052-4. Rodriguez Alfredo E. “The Role of Acute Wall recoil and late restenosis: Results of the OCBAS trial (Optimal Coronary Balloon Angioplasty with Provisional Stenting versus Primary Stent)“ Internantional Journal of Cardiovascular Interventions 2001; 4:99-10 Rodriguez Alfredo E. The Role of Acute Wall Recoil and Late Restenosis: Results of the OCBAS Trial (Optimal Coronary Balloon Angioplasty with Provisional Stenting versus Primary Stent). International Journal of Cardiovascular Interventions. Martin Dunitz Limited Editorial, 2001. Rodriguez Alfredo E, Rodriguez-Alemparte M, Baldi J, Navia J, Delacasa A, Vogel, Oliveri R, Fernandez-Pereira C, Bernardi V, O´Neill W, Palacios IF. “Coronary stenting versus coronary bypass surgery in patients with multiple vessel disease and significant proximal LAD stenosis: results frm the ERACI II study”. Heart 2003; 89: 184-188. David Antoniucci, MD, Rodriguez Alfredo E, MD, Albrecht Hempel, MD, Renato Valenti, MD, Angela Migliorini, MD, Federico Vigo, MD, Guido Parodi, MD, Carlos Fernandez-Pereira, MD, Guia Moschi, MD, Antonio Bartorelli, MD, Giovanni Maria Santoro, MD Leonardo Bolognese, MD, Antonio Colombo, MD “A Randomized Trial Comparing Primary Infarct Artery Stenting With or Without Abciximab in Acute Myocardial Infarction” J Am Coll Cardiol 2003;42:1879–85 Rodriguez Alfredo E, Carlos Fernandez Pereira, Maximo Rodriguez Elemparte “Oral Rapamycin in the treatment of diffuse proliferative in-Stent reestenosis in a patient with small reference vessel” Journal of Invas.Cardiol.2003; 15: 515-518. Rodriguez Alfredo E, Maximo Rodriguez  Elemparte, MD, Cesar F Vigo, MD Carlos Fernandez Pereira, MD, Claudio Llauradó, Miguel Russo, MD, Renu Virmani, MD, PhD, John Ambrose, MD “Pilot Study of  Oral Rapamycin to prevent reestenosis in patients undergoing coronary stent therapy: Argentine single-Center Study (ORAR Trial)” J Invas  Cardiol 2003;15. David Antoniucci, MD; Angela Migliorini, MD; Guido Parodi, MD; Renato Valenti, MD; Rodriguez Alfredo E, MD; Albrecht Hempel, MD; Gentian Memisha, MD; Giovanni Maria Santoro, MD “Abciximab-Supported Infarct Artery Stent Implantation for Acute Myocardial Infarction and Long-Term Survival A Prospective, Multicenter, Randomized Trial Comparing Infarct Artery Stenting Plus Abciximab With Stenting Alone” Circulation. 2004;109:1704-1706 Rodriguez Alfredo E, Maximo Rodriguez Elemparte MD, Carlos Fernandez Pereira MD, Alberto Sampaolesi MD, Ronaldo da Rocha Loures Bueno MD, Federico C Vigo MD, Angel Obregón MD, Igor Palacios MD, “Latin American randomized trial of balloon angioplasty vs coronary stenting for small vessels (LASMAL): Immediate and long- term results” AJM. 2005; 118,743-751. Rodriguez Alfredo E, Maximo Rodriguez Alfredo Elemparte MD, Carlos Fernandez Pereira MD, Cesar F Vigo MD, Alberto Sampaolesi MD, Victor Bernardi MD, Eugenio Marchand MD, Jorge Tronge MD, Igor F Palacios MD. “Latin American randomized trial of balloon angioplasty vs coronary stenting in diabetic patients with small vessel reference size (Latin American Small Vessel [LASMAL II] Trial): Immediate and long- term results”.Am heart J 2005; 150: 188. e1-188.e7.. Rodriguez Alfredo E, Julio Baldi MD, Carlos Fernandez Pereira MD, Jose Navia MD, Maximo Rodriguez Alfredo Elemparte, MD, Alejandro Delacasa MD, Federico Vigo MD, Daniel Vogel MD, William O´Neill MD, Igor Palacios MD on behalf of the ERACI II Investigators “Five–Year Follow-Up of the Argentine Randomized Trial of Coronary Angioplasty With Stenting Versus Coronary Bypass Surgery in Patients With Multiple Vessel Disease (ERACI II)”.-J Am Coll Cardiol 2005; 46:582-8 Rodriguez Alfredo E, Maximo Rodriguez Alfredo Elemparte, MD, Carlos Fernandez Pereira MD, Claudio Llauradó, David Vetcher MD, Antonio Pocoví MD, Jhon Ambrose MD.“Role of oral rapamycin to prevent restenosis in patients with de novo lesions undergoing coronary stenting: results of the Argentina single centre study (ORAR Trial)”.- Heart  January 2005;91:1433-1437 Mercado N, Wijns W, Serruys PW, Sigwart U, Flather M, Stables RH, O´Neill W, Rodriguez Alfredo E, Lemos P, Hueb WA, Gersh BJ, Phill D, Booth J, Boersma E. “One-year outcomes of coronary artery bypass graft surgery versus percutaneous coronary intervention with multiple stenting for multisystem disease: A meta-analysis of individual patient data from randomized clinical trials”. Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovasc Surgery, Vol 130:2, 512-519. Rodriguez Alfredo E, Carlos Fernandez Pereira MD, Maximo Rodriguez Alfredo Elemparte, MD, “Oral Sirolimus After Bare Metal Stent Implantation in De Novo Lesions” CCI 06-0026  (Catheterization and Cardiovascular Interventions) 2006 Rodriguez Alfredo E, O´Maree A, Grinfeld L, Fernandez-Pereira C, Mieres J, Rodriguez-Alemparte M, Russo Felsen M, Oneill W, Palacios I. “Revascularization strategies of coronary musltiple vessel disease in the Drug Eluting Stent Era: One year follow-up results of the ERACI III Trial”.  EuroIntervention. 2006 May; 2(1):53-60. Rodriguez Alfredo E, MD. Juan Mieres, Carlos Fernandez-Pereira, Cesar F Vigo, Maximo Rodriguez Elemparte, Daniel Berrocal, Liliana Grinfeld and Igor Palacios. “Coronary Stent Thrombosis in the Current Drug – Eluting Stent Era: Insights From the ERACI III Trial2006 Jan 3;47(1):205-7. doi: 10.1016/j.jacc.2005.10.016 Rodriguez Alfredo E , Juan Granada MD, Máximo Rodriguez- Alemparte MD, Cesar F Vigo MD*, Juan Delgado MD, Carlos Fernandez- Pereira MD*, Antonio Pocovi MD, Alfredo M Rodriguez –Granillo BS, Albert Raizner MD,  Igor Palacios MD,  William O Neill MD, Greg Kaluza MD,Gregg Stone MD.”Oral Rapamycin After Coronary Bare-Metal Stent Implantation to Prevent Restenosis: The Prospective, Randomized ORAR II (Oral Rapamycin in Argentina) Study”. JAAC 2006 March in Press. 2006 Apr 18;47(8):1522-9. doi: 10.1016/j.jacc.2005.12.052 Abizaid A, Chan C, Lim Y-T, Kaul U, Sinha N, Patel T, Tan H-C, Lopez-Cuellar J, Gaxiola E, Ramesh S, Rodriguez Alfredo E, Russell ME. “Twelve-Month Outcomes with a Paclitaxel-Eluting Stent Transitioning from Controlled Trials to Clinical Practice (the Wisdom Registry)”. Am J of Cardiol 8; 1028-1032. October 2006. Fernandez-Pereira C, Rodriguez-Granillo GA, Rodriguez Alfredo E. “Late stent thrombosis mimicking focal restenosis after sirolimus stent implantation: amgiographic and intravascular ultrasound appraisal”. J Invasive Cardio. 2006 Dec; 18(12): E294-7. Rodriguez Alfredo E, Rodriguez-Granillo GA, Palacios IF. “Late stent thrombosis: the Damocle´s sword of drug eluting stents”. EuroIntervention. 2007 Feb; 2(4): 512-7. Valgimigli M, Bolognese L, Anselmi M, Camnpo G, Rodriguez Alfredo E, de Cesare N, Cohen DJ, Sheiban I, Colangelo S, Pasquetto G, Hamon M, Vranckx P, Ferrario M, Prati F, Agostini P, Malagutti P, Arcozzi C, Parrinello G, Vassanelli C, Ferrari R, Percoco G. “Two-by-two factorial comparison of high-bolus dose tirofiban followed by standard infusion versus abciximab and sirolimus-eluting versus bare-metal stent implantation in patients with acute myocardial infarction:design and rationale for the MULTISTRATEGY trial”. Am Heart J. 2007 Jul; 154(1):39-45. Rodriguez Alfredo E, Andrew Maree, Juan Mieres, Daniel Berrocal, Liliana Grinfeld, Carlos Fernandez-Pereria, Valeria Curotto, Alfredo M Rodriguez-Granillo, William O´Neill, Igor F Palacios. “Late loss of early benefit from Drug-eluting stents when compared with bare-metal stents and coronary artery bypass surgery: 3 years follow-up of the ERACI III Registry”. EUR Hard J 2007. Rodriguez-Granillo GA, Rosales MA, Degrossi E, Durbano I, Rodriguez Alfredo E. “Modified scan protocol using multislice CT coronary angiography allows high quality acquisitions in obese patients: a case report”. Int J Cardiovasc Imaging. 2007 Apr; 23(2):265-7. Epub 2006 Jul 5. Rodriguez-Granillo GA, Rosales MA, Degrossi E, Durbano I, Rodriguez Alfredo E. “Multislice CT coronary angiography for the detection of burden, morphology and distribution of atherosclerotic plaques in the left main bifurcation”. Int j Cardiovasc Imaging. 2007 Jun; 23(3): 389-92. Epub 2006 Sep 23. Rodriguez Alfredo E, MD, PhD, Carlos Fernandez-Pereira, MD. “Systemic Immunosuppressive Therapy with Oral Sirolimus after Bare Metal Stent Implantation: The Missing Alternative in the Prevention of Coronary Restenosis after Percutaneous Coronary Interventions”. Recent Patents on Cardiovascular Drug Discovery, 2008, 3, 201-208. Marco Valgimigli, MD, PhD, Gianluca Campo, MD, Gianfranco Percoco, MD, Leonardo Bolognese, MD, Corrado Vassanelli, MD, Salvatore Colangelo, Nicoletta de Cesare, MD, Rodriguez Alfredo E, MD, PhD, Maurizio Ferrario, MD, Raul Moreno, Tommaso Piva, MD, Imad Sheiban, MD, Giampaolo Pasquetto, MD, Francesco Pratti, MD, PhD, Marco S. Nazzaro, MD, PhD, Giovanni Parrinello, PhD, Roberto Ferrari, MD, PhD. “Comparison of Angioplasty with Infusion of Tirofiban or Abciximab and With Implantation of Sirolimus-Eluting or Uncoated Stents for Acute Myocardial Infarction, The MULTISTRATEGY Randomized Trial.” Jama-Express, April 2008. Daemen J, Boersma E, Flather M, Booth J, Stables R, Rodriguez Alfredo E, Rodriguez-Granillo G, Hueb WA, Lemos PA, Serruys PW. “Long-term safety and efficacy of percutaneous coronary intervention with stenting and coronary artery bypass surgery for multivessel coronary artery disease: a meta-analysis with 5-year patient-level data from the ARTS, ERACI-II, MASS-II, and SoS trials”. Circulation. 2008 Sep 9;118(11):1146-54 Rodriguez Alfredo E, MD, PhD, Andrew Maree, MD, Igor Palacios, MD. “Quality of Life with PCI versus Medical Therapy in Stable Coronary Disease”. Number 21. NEJM. November 2008. Volume 359: 2289-2293. Gilberto Perez, MD, Alfredo M. Rodriguez-Granillo, BS, Juan Mieres, MD, Claudio Llaurado, Tech, Bibiana Rubilar, MD, Gustavo Risau, MD, Carlos Fernández-Pereira, MD, Rodriguez Alfredo E , MD, PhD. “New Coating Design for Patients with High-Risk Coronary Lesions for Thrombotic Events: Early and Long-Term Results of the Camouflage Registry.” Journal of Invasive Cardiology 2009; 21:378-382. Hlatky MA, Boothroyd DB, Bravata DM, Boersma E, Booth J, Brooks MM, Carrié D, Clayton TC, Danchin N, Flather M, Hamm CW, Hueb WA, Kähler J, Kelsey SF, King SB, Kosinski AS, Lopes N, McDonald KM, Rodriguez Alfredo E, Serruys P, Sigwart U, Stables RH, Owens DK, Pocock SJ. “Coronary artery bypass surgery compared with percutaneous coronary interventions for multivessel disease: a collaborative analysis of individual patient data from ten randomised trials”. Lancet. 2009 Apr 4; 373(9670):1190-7. Gaston A. Rodriguez-Granillo, MD, PhD, Miguel Rosales, MD, Francesca Pugliese, MD, PhD, Carlos Fernandez-Pereira, MD, Rodriguez Alfredo E, MD, PhD.”Prevalence and characteristics of major and minor coronary artery anomalies in an adult population assessed by computer tomography coronary angiography”. EuroIntervention. 2009 Mar; 4 online-publish-ahead-of-print January 2009. Gaston A. Rodriguez-Granillo, Miguel A. Rosales, Santiago Baum, Paola Rennes, Carlos Rodriguez-Pagani, Valeria Curotto, Carlos Fernandez-Pereira, Claudio Llaurado, Gustavo Risau, Elina Degrossi, Hernán C. Doval, Rodriguez Alfredo E. “Early Assessment of Myocardial Viability by the Use of Delayed Enhancement Computed Tomography after Primary Percutaneous Coronary Intervention”. JAAC Img. 2009; 2; 1072-1081. Rodriguez Alfredo E,  MD, PhD, Andrew Maree, MD, Sonia Tarragona, Phd; Carlos Fernandez-Pereira, MD;  Omar Santaera, MD; Alfredo M. Rodriguez-Granillo, BS; Gaston A. Rodriguez –Granillo, MD, Ph D; Miguel Russo-Felssen, MD; Neville Kukreja, MD; David Antoniucci, MD; Igor F. Palacios, MD; Patrick W. Serruys, MD, PhD. “Percutaneous coronary interventation with oral sirolimus and bare metal stents has comparable safety and efficacy to treatment with drug eluting stents, but with significant cost saving: long-term follow-up results from the randomised, controlled ORAR III (Oral Rapamycin in Argentina) study”.  EuroIntervention May 2009; 5, 255-264. Rodriguez Alfredo E, Waksman R. “Sirolimus-Eluting Stents or Vascular Brachytherapy for In-Stent Restenosis After 3-Year Follow-UP of the SISR (Sirolimus-Eluting Stent Versus Vascular Brachytherapy for In-Stent Restenosis) Trial: A call for caution”. Letters to the editor. JACC: Cardiovasc Interv. 2009. Jan; 2 (1):75-6; Author Reply 76-7. Rodriguez Alfredo E, MD, PhD. “Emerging drugs for coronary restenosis: the role of systemic oral agents in the stent era”. Expert Opinion on Emerging drugs, August 2009. Rodriguez Alfredo E, MD, PhD, FACC, FSCAI. “Drug Eluting Stents: Balancing Risk and Benefits”. Cardiology Management, November 2009. Rodríguez-Granillo GA, Rosales MA, Renes P, Diez E, Pereyra J, Gomez E, De Lillo G, Degrossi E, Rodriguez Alfredo E, McFadden EP. Chronic myocardial infarction detection and characterization during coronary artery calcium scoring acquisitions. J Cardiovasc Comput Tomogr. 2010 Mar-Apr;4(2):99-107. Carlos, Fernández Pereira; Valeria, Curotto; Carlos, Rodríguez Pagani; María P., Renes; Alfredo, Rodríguez. Embolectomía percutánea reolítica en la tromboembolia pulmonar masiva / Percutaneous Rheolytic Embolectomy for Massive Pulmonary Embolism. Rev. argent. cardiol.; 78(5); 443-444; 2010-10 Comparison of AngioJet rheolytic thrombectomy before direct infarct artery stenting with direct stenting alone in patients with acute myocardial infarction. The JETSTENT trial. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2010 Oct 12;56(16):1298-306. Rodríguez-Granillo GA, Rosales MA, Llauradó C, Ivanc TB, Rodriguez Alfredo E. Guidance of percutaneous coronary interventions by multidetector row computed tomography coronary angiography. EuroIntervention. 2011 Jan;6(6):773-8. Valgimigli M, Campo G, Malagutti P, Anselmi M, Bolognese L, Ribichini F, Boccuzzi G, de Cesare N, Rodriguez Alfredo E, Russo F, Moreno R, Biondi-Zoccai G, Penzo C, Díaz Fernández JF, Parrinello G, Ferrari R. Persistent coronary no flow after wire insertion is an early and readily available mortality risk factor despite successful mechanical intervention in acute myocardial infarction: a pooled analysis from the STRATEGY (Single High-Dose Bolus Tirofiban and Sirolimus-Eluting Stent Versus Abciximab and Bare-Metal Stent in Acute Myocardial Infarction) and MULTISTRATEGY (Multicenter Evaluation of Single High-Dose Bolus Tirofiban Versus Abciximab With Sirolimus-Eluting Stent or Bare-Metal Stent in Acute Myocardial Infarction Study) trials. JACC Cardiovasc Interv. 2011 Jan;4(1):51-62 Garg S, Sarno G, Serruys PW, Rodriguez Alfredo E, Bolognese L, Anselmi M, De Cesare N, Colangelo S, Moreno R, Gambetti S, Monti M, Bristot L, Bressers M, Garcia-Garcia HM, Parrinello G, Campo G, Valgimigli M; STRATEGY and MULTISTRATEGY Investigators. Prediction of 1-year clinical outcomes using the SYNTAX score in patients with acute ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction undergoing primary percutaneous coronary intervention: a substudy of the STRATEGY (Single High-Dose Bolus Tirofiban and Sirolimus-Eluting Stent Versus Abciximab and Bare-Metal Stent in Acute Myocardial Infarction) and MULTISTRATEGY (Multicenter Evaluation of Single High-Dose Bolus Tirofiban Versus Abciximab With Sirolimus-Eluting Stent or Bare-Metal Stent in Acute Myocardial Infarction Study) trials. JACC Cardiovasc Interv. 2011 Jan;4(1):66-75. Rodriguez Alfredo E, Vigo CF, Delacasa A, Mieres J, Fernandez-Pereira C, Bernardi V, Bettinoti M, Rodriguez-Granillo AM, Rodriguez-Granillo G, Santaera O, Curotto V, Rubilar B, Tronge J, Palacios IF, Antoniucci D; EUCATAX Investigators. Efficacy and safety of a double-coated paclitaxel-eluting coronary stent: the EUCATAX trial. Catheter Cardiovasc Interv. 2011 Feb 15;77(3):335-42. Rodriguez-Granillo A, Rubilar B, Rodriguez-Granillo G, Rodriguez Alfredo E. Advantages and disadvantages of biodegradable platforms in drug eluting stents. World J Cardiol. 2011 Mar 26;3(3):84-92 Hlatky MA, Shilane D, Boothroyd DB, Boersma E, Brooks MM, Carrié D, Clayton TC, Danchin N, Flather M, Hamm CW, Hueb WA, Kahler J, Lopes N, Pocock SJ, Rodriguez Alfredo E, Serruys P, Sigwart U, Stables RH. The effect of internal thoracic artery grafts on long-term clinical outcomes after coronary bypass surgery. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2011 Oct;142(4):829-35 Ferrante G, Presbitero P, Corrada E, Campo G, Bolognese L, Vassanelli C, Colangelo S, De Cesare N,  Rodriguez Alfredo E E, Bramucci E, Moreno R, Piva T, Sheiban I, Pasquetto G, Prati F, Nazzaro MS, Ferrari R, Valgimigli M. Sex-specific benefits of sirolimus-eluting stent on long-term outcomes in patients with ST-elevation myocardial infarction undergoing primary percutaneous coronary intervention: insights from the Multicenter Evaluation of Single High-Dose Bolus Tirofiban Versus Abciximab With Sirolimus-Eluting Stent or Bare-Metal Stent in Acute Myocardial Infarction Study trial. . Am Heart J. 2012 Jan;163(1):104-11 Mieres J, Fernandez-Pereira C, Rodriguez-Granillo AM, Rodriguez Alfredo E. Drug eluting or bare metal stents in cardiac allograft vasculopathy: the role of oral sirolimus. Catheter Cardiovasc Interv. 2012 Feb 15;79(3):496; author reply 497. Rodriguez Alfredo E. Productividad científica de la Cardiología y de las Sociedades de Cardiología: diferencias y similitudes de la Argentina con la región y los países centrales / Scientific Production by Cardiologists and Scientific Societies of Cardiology: Differences and Similarities between Argentina and Regional and Central Countries. Rev. Argent. Cardiol.; 80(1); 53-59; 2012-01 Mieres J, Rodriguez Alfredo E. Stent selection in patients with myocardial infarction: drug eluting, biodegradable polymers or bare metal stents? Recent Pat Cardiovasc Drug Discov. 2012 Aug;7(2):105-20. Review. Rodriguez Alfredo E, Fernández-Pereira C, Rodríguez-Granillo AM. Changes in the safety paradigm with percutaneous coronary interventions in the modern era: Lessons learned from the ASCERT registry. World J Cardiol. 2012 Aug 26;4(8):242-9. Rodriguez Alfredo E, Rodriguez-Granillo AM, Antoniucci D, Mieres J, Fernandez-Pereira C, Rodriguez-Granillo GA, Santaera O, Rubilar B, Palacios IF, Serruys PW; ORAR III Investigators. Randomized comparison of cost-saving and effectiveness of oral rapamycin plus bare-metal stents with drug-eluting stents: three-year outcome from the randomized oral rapamycin in Argentina (ORAR) III trial. Catheter Cardiovasc Interv. 2012 Sep 1;80(3):385-94. Mieres J, Fernandez-Pereira C, Risau G, Solorzano L, Pauletto R, Rodriguez-Granillo AM, Rubilar B, Stella P, Rodriguez Alfredo E. One-year outcome of patients with diabetes mellitus after percutaneous coronary intervention with three different revascularization strategies: results from the Diabetic Argentina Registry (DEAR). Cardiovasc Revasc Med. 2012 Sep-Oct;13(5):265-71 Flather M, Rhee JW, Boothroyd DB, Boersma E, Brooks MM, Carrié D, Clayton TC, Danchin N, Hamm CW, Hueb WA, King SB, Pocock SJ, Rodriguez Alfredo E, Serruys P, Sigwart U, Stables RH, Hlatky MA. The effect of age on outcomes of coronary artery bypass surgery compared with balloon angioplasty or bare-metal stent implantation among patients with multivessel coronary disease. A collaborative analysis of individual patient data from 10 randomized trials. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2012 Nov 20;60(21):2150-7 Rodriguez Alfredo E ; C Fernandez–Pereira; J Mieres; AM Rodriguez–Granillo; G Risau; R Pauletto; L Solorzano; D Antoniucci; PW Serruys. Comparison between oral rapamycin plus bare metal stent versus drug eluting stent for the prevention of restenosis in the treatment of coronary disease with PCI: Five-years final results from the ORAR III trial. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2013;61(10_S) (ABSTRACT) Valgimigli M, Campo G, Gambetti S, Bolognese L, Ribichini F, Colangelo S, de Cesare N, Rodriguez Alfredo E, Russo F, Moreno R, Piva T, Sheiban I, Penzo C, Prati F, Nazzaro MS, Díaz Fernández JF, Vassanelli C, Parrinello G, Ferrari R; MULTIcentre evaluation of Single high-dose bolus TiRofiban versus Abciximab with sirolimus eluting sTEnt or Bare Metal Stent in Acute Myocardial Infarction studY Investigators. Three-year follow-up of the MULTIcentre evaluation of Single high-dose Bolus TiRofiban versus Abciximab with Sirolimus-eluting STEnt or Bare-Metal Stent in Acute Myocardial Infarction StudY (MULTISTRATEGY). Int J Cardiol. 2013 Apr 30;165(1):134-41. Rodriguez Alfredo E. Are drug-eluting stents superior to bare metal stents when compared to coronary artery bypass surgery? Show me the data. Cardiovasc Revasc Med. 2013 Mar-Apr;14(2):90-2 Fernandez-Pereira C, Mieres J, Rodriguez Alfredo E. Lack of clinical benefit of drug-eluting compared to bare-metal stents for treatment of transplant coronary artery disease: why we do not need drug-eluting stents? Catheter Cardiovasc Interv. 2013 Aug 1;82(2):237. Waksman R, Serra A, Loh JP, Malik FT, Torguson R, Stahnke S, von Strandmann RP, Rodriguez Alfredo E. Drug-coated balloons for de novo coronary lesions: results from the Valentines II trial. EuroIntervention. 2013 Sep;9(5):613-9. Rodriguez-Granillo GA, Rodriguez Alfredo E, Bruining N, Milei J, Aoki J, Tsuchida K, del Valle-Fernández R, Arampatzis CA, Ong AT, Lemos PA, Ayala F, Garcia-Garcia HM, Saia F, Valgimigli M, Regar E, McFadden E, Biondi-Zoccai G, Barbenza E, Schoenhagen P, Serruys PW. Quantification of scientific output in cardiovascular medicine: a perspective based on global data. EuroIntervention. 2013 Dec;9(8):975-8. Parodi G, Migliorini A, Rodriguez Alfredo E. Thrombus aspiration during myocardial infarction. N Engl J Med. 2014 Feb 13;370(7):675 Rodriguez Alfredo E, Arismendi L, Romero G, Rodríguez-Granillo AM. Randomized trials of PCIs versus CABG surgery: why coronary stenting should remain the first choice of revascularization in non-diabetic patients and why the controversy is still present in diabetics. Expert Rev Cardiovasc Ther. 2014 Mar;12(3):297-309. Rodriguez Alfredo E, Palacios I, Rodriguez-Granillo AM, Mieres JR, Tarragona S, Fernandez-Pereira C, Solorzano L, Pauletto R, Serruys PW, Antoniucci D; ORAR-3 investigators. Comparison of cost-effectiveness of oral rapamycin plus bare-metal stents versus first generation of drug-eluting stents (from the Randomized Oral Rapamycin in Argentina [ORAR] 3 trial). Am J Cardiol. 2014 Mar 1;113(5):815-21. Rodriguez Alfredo E, Fernandez-Pereira C, Mieres J. Coronary artery bypass grafting vs percutaneous coronary intervention in multivessel disease. JAMA Intern Med. 2014 Jun;174(6):1007. Rodriguez Alfredo E. Coronary artery bypass surgery or coronary stenting in Diabetic patients: Too soon to make a statement? Cardiovascular Revascularization Medicine (in press) Dangas G, Farkouh M, Sleeper LA, Yang M, Schoos MM, Macaya C, Abizaid A, Buller C, Devlin G, Rodriguez Alfredo E, Lansky A, Siami S, Domanski M, Fuster V for the FREEDOM Investigators.  Long Term Outcome of PCI versus CABG in Insulin and Non-Insulin Treated Diabetic Patients: Results from the FREEDOM Trial. JACC (in press) Cassese S, De Luca G, Ribichini F, Cernigliaro C, Sansa M, Versaci, Proietti I, Stankovic G,  Stojkovic S, Fernandez-Pereira C, Tomai T, Vassanelli C, Antoniucci D, Serruys PW, Kastrati A, .Rodriguez Alfredo E. ORAl iMmunosuppressive therapy to prevent in-Stent rEstenosiS (RAMSES) cooperation: a patient-level meta-analysis of randomized trials Atherosclerosis (in press). J Mieres, M Menéndez, C Fernández-Pereira, J Baldi (h), S<M Grosso, M Rubio, Rodriguez Alfredo E . Acceso transapical percutáneo de válvula aórtica con prótesis de JenaValve: experiencia inicial del Departamento de Cardiología del Sanatorio Otamendi. Revista Argentina de Cardioangiología 2014;5(04 ):0268 -0273 Rodriguez Alfredo E , PalaciosI,Rodriguez-GranilloAM,MieresJR,TarragonaS,Fernandez PereiraC,SolorzanoL,PaulettoR,SerruysPW,Antoniucci D; ORAR-3 investigators. Comparison of cost-effectiveness of oral rapamycin plus bare-metal stents versus first generation of drug-elutingstents (from the Randomized Ora lRapamycinin Argentina [ORAR]3 trial). AmJCardiol.2014Mar1;113(5):815-21- R Cristódulo-Cortez, BR Ugarte, J Aldana-Robinson, AM Rodríguez Granillo, C Fernández-Pereira, C Mauvecin, J Mieres, Rodriguez Alfredo E . Resultados hospitalarios y alejados del stent carotídeo de una serie consecutiva: relación con el uso de sistemas de protección cerebral. Revista Argentina de Cardioangiología 2014;5(03 ):0197-0202 C Fernández Pereira, AM Rodríguez-Granillo, R Cristódulo-Cortés, J Mieres, P Renes, F Calvo, B Ugarte, J Robinson Aldana, Rodriguez Alfredo E . Tratamiento de la embolia pulmonar masiva con trombectomía reolítica percutánea: resultado intrahospitalario y al seguimiento. Revista Argentina de Cardioangiología 2014;5(02 ):0130-0136. Rodriguez Alfredo E , Roberto Cristódulo-Cortez, Benjamín R Ugarte, Jhon Aldana-Robinson, Alfredo M Rodríguez Granillo, Carlos Fernández-Pereira, Carlos Mauvecin, Juan R Mieres.Resultados hospitalarios y alejados del stent carotídeo de una serie consecutiva: relación con el uso de sistemas de protección cerebral Revista Argentina de Cardioangiología 2014;(03):0197-0202 Rodriguez Alfredo E . No todos somos iguales… ¿y los diabéticos? Revista Argentina de Cardioangiología 2014;(02):0116-0117 J Mieres, M Menéndez, C Fernández Pereira, J Baldi (h), S M Grosso, M Rubio, Rodriguez Alfredo E  Alfredo Eceso transapical percutáneo de válvula aórtica con prótesis de JenaValve: experiencia inicial del Departamento de Cardiología del Sanatorio Otamendi  Revista Argentina de Cardioangiología 2014;(04):0268-0274 C Fernández Pereira, M Rodríguez Granillo, R Cristódulo Cortés, J Mieres, P Renes, FCalvo, B Ugarte, J Robinson Aldana, Rodriguez Alfredo E  .Tratamiento de la embolia pulmonar masiva con trombectomía reolítica percutánea: resultado intrahospitalario y al seguimiento,Revista Argentina de Cardioangiología 2014;(02):0130-0136 Rodriguez Alfredo E ¿Cuál es el tiempo adecuado de doble antiagregación plaquetaria luego del implante de stents liberadores de fármacos?,Revista Argentina de Cardioangiología 2014;(04):0244-0244 Rodriguez Alfredo E .Este número en la Revista Argentina de Cardioangiología Intervencionista (RACI),Revista Argentina de Cardioangiología 2014;(01):0011-0011 Rodriguez Alfredo E , C Fernández-Pereira, O Santaera, M Larribau, C Haiek, R Sarmiento, J Mieres, J Lloveras, A Pocoví, O Carlevaro, I Rifourcat, J Chen, K Zheng, A M Rodríguez-Granillo, D Antoniucci. Revascularization strategies for patients with multiple vessel coronary disease and unprotected left main. A prospective, multicenter and controlled Argentina registry with a cobalt-chromium rapamycin eluting stent, Revista Argentina de Cardioangiología 2014;(01):0019-0025 140.      Mieres J, Menéndez M, Fernández-Pereira C, Rubio M, Rodriguez Alfredo E. Transapical Implantation of a 2nd-Generation JenaValve Device            in Patient with Extremely High Surgical Risk. Case Rep Cardiol.2015;2015:458151 Rodriguez Alfredo E ,Fernandez-PereiraC,MieresJ,SantaeraO,AntoniucciD;ERACIIVinvestigators.Modifying angiographic syntax score according to PCI strategy: lessons learnt from ERACI IV Study. Cardiovasc Revasc Med. 2015 Jul 11. pii: S1553-8389(15)00182-7 142. D Antoniucci, Rodriguez Alfredo E . Dual antiplatelet therapy after drug-eluting stent implantation: long-term, short-term, tailored or related to     stent type? Revista Argentina de Cardioangiología 2015;6(03 ):0126-0128 R Merhan, Rodriguez Alfredo E . Bleeding and thrombosis risk with bivalirudin and unfractionated heparin: re-visiting  HORIZONZ,  EUROMAX  and HEAT-PPCI studies. Revista Argentina de Cardioangiología 2015;6(01):0013-0014 Rodriguez Alfredo E. Second versus first generation DES in multiple vessel disease and unprotected left main stenosis: insights from ERACI IV Study. Minerva Cardioangiol. 2015Aug;63(4):317-27 145 D Antoniucci, Rodriguez Alfredo E . Dual antiplatelet therapy after drug-eluting stent implantation: long-term, short-term, tailored or related to stent type?. Revista Argentina de Cardioangiología 2015;(03):0126-0128 146. D Antoniucci, Rodriguez Alfredo E . Dual antiplatelet therapy after drug-eluting stent implantation: long-term, short-term, tailored or related to         stent type? Revista Argentina de Cardioangiología 2015;6(03 ):0126-0128 Rodriguez Alfredo E , Misconduct (mala conducta) de los investigadores en los estudios clínicos: reflexiones sobre un artículo de la Food and Drug Administration. Revista Argentina de Cardioangiología 2015;(03):0121-0123 D Paolantonio, G Sansoni,Rodriguez Alfredo E , GMatkovich. Aneurisma arteria renal gigante. Exclusión endovascular con stentgraft y seguimiento a largo plazo. Revista Argentina de Cardioangiología 2015;(02):0087-0091 D Antoniucci, Rodriguez Alfredo E . Dual antiplatelet therapy after drug-eluting stent implantation: long-term, short-term, tailored or related to stent type?. Revista Argentina de Cardioangiología 2015;(03):0126-0128 Rodriguez Alfredo E , R Merhan .Bleeding and thrombosis risk with bivalirudin and unfractionated heparin: re-visiting HORIZONZ, EUROMAX and HEAT-PPCI studies Revista Argentina de Cardioangiología 2015;(01):0013-0014 Barone A, Otero-Losada M, Grangeat AM, Cao G, Azzato F, Rodriguez Alfredo E, Milei J.Ozonetherapy protects from in-stent coronary neointimal proliferation. Role of redoxins.Int J Cardiol. 2016 Nov 15;223:258-261. doi: 10.1016/j.ijcard.2016.07.177. 152.   Rodriguez Alfredo E, Pavlovsky H, Del Pozo JF.Understanding the Outcome of Randomized Trials with Drug-Eluting Stents and Coronary Artery Bypass Graft in Patients with MultivesselDisease: A Review of a 25-Year Journey.1.      Clin Med Insights Cardiol. 2016 Dec 7;10:195-199 Charytan DM, Desai M, Mathur M, Stern NM, Brooks MM, Krzych LJ, Schuler GC, Kaehler J, Rodriguez-Granillo AM, Hueb W, Reeves BC, Thiele H, Rodriguez Alfredo E, Buszman PP, Buszman PE, Maurer R, Winkelmayer WC. Reduced risk of myocardial infarct and revascularization following coronary artery bypass grafting compared with percutaneous coronaryintervention in patients with chronic kidney disease. Kidney Int. 2016 Aug;90(2):411-21. doi: 10.1016/j.kint.2016.03.033. Rodriguez Alfredo E, Fernandez-Pereira C, Mieres J, Ascarrunz D, Gabe E, Rodríguez-Granillo AM, Frattini R, Stuzbach PVentricular Septal Perforation after Biventricular Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy Successfully Repaired with an Amplatzer Device: First Report inthe Literature. Case Rep Cardiol. 2016;2016:3251032. doi: 10.1155/2016/3251032. Haiek C, Fernández-Pereira C, Santaera O, Mieres J, Rifourcat I, Lloberas J, Larribau M, Pocoví A, Rodriguez-Granillo AM, Sarmiento RA, Antoniucci D, Rodriguez Alfredo ESecond vs. First generation drug eluting stents in multiple vessel disease and left main stenosis: Two-year follow-up of the observational, prospective, controlled, and multicenter ERACI IV registry. Catheter Cardiovasc Interv. 2017 Jan;89(1):37-46. doi: 10.1002/ccd.26468. Epub 2016 Mar 7. Rodriguez Alfredo E, Fernandez-Pereira C, Mieres J, Mendoza J, Sartori F. Can We Improve the Outcomes of Multivessel Disease Using Modified SYNTAX and Residual SYNTAX Scores Curr Cardiol Rep. 2017 Mar;19(3):20. doi: 10.1007/s11886-017-0833-2. Review Fernandez-Pereira C, Mieres J, Rodriguez Alfredo E Long-Term Mortality After Coronary Revascularization in Nondiabetic Patients With Multivessel Disease.. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2017 Jan 3;69(1):116-117. doi: 10.1016/j.jacc.2016.07.792. No abstract available. ERACI IV study. Rodriguez Alfredo E  Reemplazo percutáneo de válvula aórtica: ¿es tiempo de moverse a grupos de menor  riesgo?.Revista Argentina de Cardioangiología 2016;(02):0061-0065 159. Rodriguez Alfredo E Stents farmacológicos o metálicos en enfermedad arterial coronaria: reflexiones a partir de   los hallazgos del estudio NORSTENT. Revista Argentina de Cardioangiología 2016;(03):0127-0128 Rodriguez Alfredo E Cardiopatías estructurales en la Revista RACI: una clara muestra del apoyo e interés mancomunado de toda la Cardiología IntervencionistaRevista Argentina de Cardioangiología 2016;(4):0189-0189 C Agatiello, A Candiello, M Sztejfman, C Fava, D Grinfeld, I Seropian, A Scuteri, A Damonte, J Mieres, H Londero, OMendiz, F Cura, D Berrocal, M Payaslian,Rodriguez Alfredo E , J A G Álvarez, C Cigalini, E Torresani Consenso del implante valvular aórtico percutáneo del Colegio Argentino de Cardioangiólogos     Intervencionista 2016Revista Argentina de Cardioangiología 2016;(4):0194-0210 Rodriguez Alfredo E, Santaera O, Larribau M, Sarmiento R, Haiek C, Del Pozo JF, Pavlovsky H, Rodriguez-Granillo AM; ERACI IV Investigators.. Minerva Cardioangiol. 2017 Feb;65(1):81-90. doi: 10.23736/S0026-4725.16.04252-3. –Rodriguez Alfredo E .¿Qué se necesita para modificar la evidencia clínica?. Revista Argentina de Cardioangiología 2017;(1):0010-0011 Rodriguez Alfredo E . 1977/2017: 40 años de la angioplastia coronaria; historia y reconocimiento a los que marcaron el camino, y las contribuciones argentinas a la Cardiología Intervencionista. Revista Argentina de Cardioangiología 2017;(2):0056-0059 H Pavlovsky, C Fernández-Pereira, J Mieres, A M Rodríguez-Granillo, R Farfan, OSantaera, P Stutzbach, E Gabe, Rodriguez Alfredo E .Implante percutáneo de válvula aórtica en nonagenarios. Resultados hospitalarios y en el follow up. Revista Argentina de Cardioangiología 2017;(2):0067-0073 Rodriguez Alfredo E, Fernandez-Pereira C, Mieres J, Pavlovsky H, Del Pozo J, Rodriguez-Granillo AM, Antoniucci D Lowering risk score profile during PCI in multiple vessel disease is associated with low adverse events: The ERACI risk score.Cardiovasc Revasc Med. 2018 Feb 13. pii: S1553-8389(18)30014-9. doi: 10.1016/j.carrev.2018.01.012.  Head SJ, Milojevic M, Daemen J, Ahn JM, Boersma E, Christiansen EH, Domanski MJ, Farkouh ME, Flather M, Fuster V, Hlatky MA, Holm NR, Hueb WA, Kamalesh M, Kim YH, Mäkikallio T, Mohr FW, Papageorgiou G, Park SJ, Rodriguez Alfredo E, Sabik JF 3rd, Stables RH, Stone GW, Serruys PW, Kappetein APMortality after coronary artery bypass grafting versus percutaneous coronary intervention with stenting for coronary artery disease: a pooled analysis of individual patient data. Lancet. 2018 Mar 10;391(10124):939-948. doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(18)30423-9. Epub 2018 Feb 23. Rodriguez Alfredo E, Rodriguez-Granillo AM, Ascarrunz SD, Peralta-Bazan F, Cho MY Did Prasugrel and Ticagrelor Offer the Same Benefit in Patients with Acute Coronary Syndromes after Percutaneous Coronary Interventions Compared to Clopidogrel? Insights from Randomized Clinical Trials, Registries and Meta-analysis. Curr Pharm Des. 2018;24(4):465-477. doi: 10.2174/1381612824666180108121834. Rodriguez Alfredo E  Resultados relevantes del Congreso Europeo de Cardiología 2018 en Munich: hallazgos sorpresivos del estudio FUTURE Revista Argentina de Cardioangiología Intervencionista 2018;(03):0131-0132 169.Rodriguez Alfredo E  Significativa reducción de la mortalidad con la cirugía de bypass aortocoronario sobre la angioplastia con stents: ¿El fin de la historia? Revista Argentina de Cardioangiología Intervencionista 2018;(01):0011-0014 170 Rodriguez Alfredo E  Las lecciones aprendidas del estudio ORBITA: ¿Cuáles lecciones? Revista Argentina de Cardioangiología Intervencionista 2018;(02):0083-0084 171.   Rodriguez Alfredo E   Visibilidad y alcance editorial de la Revista Argentina de Cardioangiología Intervencionista (RACI) Revista Argentina de Cardioangiología Intervencionista 2018;(04):0194-0194 Rodriguez Alfredo E  Visibilidad y alcance editorial de la Revista Argentina de Cardioangiología Intervencionista (RACI) Revista Argentina de Cardioangiología Intervencionista 2018;(04):0194-0194 Rodriguez Alfredo E.Cardiovasc The ORBIT A trial: Why is it not the last nail for coronary angioplasty in stable angina patients?Revasc Med. 2019 Jan;20(1):80-81. doi: 10.1016 Pavlovsky H, Rodriguez-Granillo AM, Rodriguez Alfredo E.J Am Coll Late Mortality After Drug-Eluting, Bare-Metal Stents, and Coronary Bypass Surgery in Left Main Disease Cardiol. 2019 Apr 9;73(13):1737. doi: 10.1016/j.jacc.2018.12.080. 175.   Rodriguez Alfredo E   En la búsqueda de más transparencia en la línea editorial Revista Argentina de Cardioangiología Intervencionista 2019;(01):0011-0012 Juan Mieres, Carlos Fernández-Pereira, Hernán Pavlovsky, Omar Santaera, Juan Del Pozo, Javier Mendoza, Francisco Peralta-Bazán, MatíasRodriguez Alfredo E -Granillo, Santiago Burda, Yazmín Navarro, Rodriguez Alfredo EAlfredo Eusencia de diferencias entre los accesos radial y femoral durante las intervenciones percutáneas coronarias. Resultados a 30 días de un registro prospectivo y consecutivo de pacientes Revista Argentina de Cardioangiología Intervencionista 2019;(02):0063-0067 Carlos Fernández-Pereira, Juan Mieres, Hernán Pavlovsky, Laura Bidegain, Alfredo. E Rodríguez Implante percutáneo de válvula aórtica sobre válvula protésica estenótica valve in valve con técnica de cracking: primer reporte de un caso en Argentina Revista Argentina de Cardioangiología Intervencionista 2019;(02):0078-0082 178.  Rodriguez Alfredo E   Selección de drogas antiplaquetarias después del ISAR-REACT 5: ante un nuevo paradigma o la confirmación de datos previos Revista Argentina de Cardioangiología Intervencionista 2019;(03):0105-0106 A M Rodríguez-Granillo, C Haiek, M Larribau, C Fernández-Pereira, J Mieres, R Sarmiento, A Pocoví, M Menéndez, J Lloberas, E Sisú, J Iravedra, M Montoya, I Rifourcat, O Santaera, Z Ming, W Pan, Rodriguez Alfredo E  Uso de drogas inhibidoras de P2Y12, clopidogrel, prasugrel y ticagrelor, en pacientes sometidos a intervenciones coronarias percutáneas en el mundo real en la Argentina. Resultados de los Registros ERACI IV y WALTZ Revista Argentina de Cardioangiología Intervencionista 2019;(03):0111-0116 Rodriguez Alfredo E  Visibilidad, alcance Editorial y crecimiento de la Revista Argentina de Cardioangiología Intervencionista (RACI) 2018/2019 Revista Argentina de Cardioangiología Intervencionista 2019;(04):0148-0149 Mieres J, Rodriguez Alfredo E , Fernández-Pereira C, Ascarrunz-Cattoretti D Increased incidence of serious late adverse events with drug-eluting stents when compared with coronary artery bypass surgery: a cause of concern .Future Cardiol. 2020 Jul 9. doi: 10.2217/fca-2020-0033. Online ahead of print. Rodriguez Alfredo E  Declinación en el uso de los métodos de revascularización y de angioplastia coronaria en Estados Unidos: Previsible pero muy preocupante Revista Argentina de Cardioangiología Intervencionista 2020;(01):0013-0014 Rodriguez Alfredo EAlfredo Ennual decrease in the number of percutaneous coronary interventions performed in the United States: a cause for concern Revista Argentina de Cardioangiología Intervencionista 2020;(1):0011-0011 Rodriguez Alfredo E  Eduardo Gabe MD, PhD, FACC (1953-2020). In memoriam Revista Argentina de Cardioangiología Intervencionista 2020;(02):0057-0057 A Matías Rodríguez-Granillo, Hernán Pavlovsky, Camila Correa-Sadouet, Camila Gallardo, Axel Vitale, María V Curotto, Carlos Fernández-Pereira, Juan Mieres, Ricardo Pérez de la Hoz, Rodriguez Alfredo E . Presentation of the acute myocardial infarction with elevantion of the ST-T segment in a center of the city of Buenos Aires during COVID-19 pandemic. Revista Argentina de Cardioangiología Intervencionista 2020;(02):0070-0072 Rodríguez-Granillo AM, Pavlovsky H, Correa-Sadouet C, Gallardo C, Vitale A, Curotto MV, Fernández-Pereira C, Mieres J, Pérez de la Hoz R, Rodriguez Alfredo E. ST-Segment elevation myocardial infarction in a Buenos Aires center during the current COVID-19 pandemic Revista Argentina de Cardioangiología Intervencionista 2020;(2):0070-0072    
Londero H, Picabea E, Rodriguez Alfredo E , De la Fuente L M: Value of the several variables of   ventricular function taken from the ventriculogram in the detection of small alterations focused in the ventricular contraction. Arg Soc Cardiol Congress, 1975.Londero H, Picabea E, Rodriguez Alfredo E , Ruda Vega M, De la Fuente L M: A study of left ventricular function through the cineventriculogram in the recent angina. VI Congress Arg Soc Cardiol, Nov 1976.Londero H, Picabea E, Rodriguez Alfredo E , De la Fuente L M: Methods for the detection of ischaemia in the ventricular contraction through the cineventriculogram. VI Congress Arg Soc Cardiology, Nov 1976.Vetcher D, Rodriguez Alfredo E , Patritti J, Leguizamón J, De la Fuente L M: Clinical and angiographicfindings in persistent acute ischemia. VI Congress Arg Soc Cardiol, Nov 1978.Rodriguez Alfredo E , Vetcher D, Gurevich D, Barberá M, Sevilla D, De la Fuente L M, Favaloro R: A multiform entity. Arg Fed Cardiol, Córdoba, Argentina, Dec 1978.Rodriguez Alfredo E , Leguizamón J, Patritti J, Favaloro R N, De la Fuente L M: Left main equivalents. V Congress Arg Soc Cardiol, August 1979.Rojo H, Patritti J, Vetcher D, Rodriguez Alfredo E , Zuffardi E, De la Fuente L M: Clinical and angiographic analysis of the left ventricular function in the mitral insuficiency post acute myocardial infarction. VI Congress Arg Soc Cardiol, Sept 1979.Wisner J, Rodriguez Alfredo E , Zeballos I, Favaloro R G, De la Fuente L M: Incidence of coronariopathy in asymptomatic patients with some manifestations of atherosclerotic disease in orther fields. VI Congress Arg Soc Cardiol, Sept 1980.Molteni S, Rodriguez Alfredo E , Rojo H, De la Fuente L M: Clinical and angiographic correlation in women with recent angor, progressive angor and stable angor grade III-IV. XVIII Congress Arg Soc Cardiol, 1981.Gabe E, Rojo H, Rodriguez Alfredo E , Cabrera E, De la Fuente L M: Clinical and angiographic correlation and left ventricular function on recent angina. XVIII Congress Arg Soc Cardiol, 1981.Crudo N, Sarubbi A, Rabuini M, Trongé J, Rodriguez Alfredo E : Comparative analysis of the natural development in two prospective studies on recent angina. XVIII Congress Arg Soc Cardiol, 1981.Pérez Baliño N, Zeballos I, Sporn N, Rodriguez Alfredo E , Zuffardi E, De la Fuente L M: Analysis of the isotopic ventriculogram in patients with suspected coronary spasm. XVIII Congress Arg Soc Cardiol, 1981.Bertolasi C, Trongé J, Lugones M, Belardi J (Inst. Pombo), Oliveira J D (Hosp. Militar), Gómez Llambí (Hosp. Italiano), Machi R (Hosp. Español), Richitelli M (Hosp. Argerich), Rodriguez Alfredo E  (Sanat. Güemes), Rosenthal R (Hosp. Durand): Sudden death. A multi-center study, high hemodynamic risk. Preliminary report. XVIII Congress Arg Soc Cardiol, 1981.Sporn V, Pérez Baliño N, Lugones M, Rodriguez Alfredo E , Bruno C: Stress test with Thalium 201 in patients with chronic myocardial infarction. XVIII Congress Arg Soc Cardiol, 1981.Wisner J, Pérez Baliño N, Sporn V, Rojo H, Rodriguez Alfredo E , De la Fuente L M: Behavior of ejection fraction and parietal motility as for angor and during the ergometric effort. XVIII Congress Arg Soc Cardiol, 1981.Pérez Baliño N, Sporn V, Gabe E, Bruno C, Rodriguez Alfredo E , De la Fuente L M: A study of the left ventricular function in patients without and with ischemic cardiopathy during the ergometric study through the use of gamma camera. Cinecoronariographic correlation. XVIII Congress Arg Soc Cardiol, 1981.Weinschelbaum E, Rodríguez Campos J, Rodriguez Alfredo E , Caramutti V, Favaloro R: Surgical treatment for arteriovenous fistula in a case of a big congenital in the right hemitorax. XVIII Congress Arg Soc Cardiol, 1981.Pérez Baliño N, Trongé J, Rodriguez Alfredo E , Zuffardi E: Assessment of radionuclide ventriculogram in patients with suspected coronary spasm. IX World Congress of Cardiology, Moscow, URSS, June 1982.Weinschelbaum E, Rojo H, Boullón F, Caramutti V, Favaloro M, Rodriguez Alfredo E , De la Fuente L   M, Favaloro R: Non transmural myocardial infarction. Surgical treatment and late follow-up. IX World Congress of Cardiology, Moscow, URSS, June 1982.Weinschelbaum E, Rojo H, Rodriguez Alfredo E , De la Fuente L M, Favaloro R: Pre and post-operative left ventricular function at rest and during ergometric test in patients with previously normal left ventriculogram. IX World Congress of Cardiology, Moscow, URSS, June 1982.Rodriguez Alfredo E , Rojo R, Díaz R, Altman R, Zeballos I, De la Fuente L M: Transluminal recanalyzation in acute myocardial infarction (AMI), a case. Congress Arg Fed Cardiol, May 1982.Cabrera E, Rodriguez Alfredo E , Cors J, De la Fuente L M, Zuffardi E, Petronio C: Transluminal angioplasty in legs: results and correlation with arterial fluxometry through Doppler. Congress Arg Sociedad Cardiol, August 1982.Gabe E, Rodriguez Alfredo E , Pérez Baliño N, Rojo H, Molteni S, De la Fuente L M: Changes of response to exercise in patients with transluminal coronary angioplasty Congress of Cardiol, October 1982.De la Fuente L M, Rodriguez Alfredo E , Rojo H, D’Ortencio A: Clinical and angiographic correlates in acute and sub myocardial infarction. V European Congress of Cardiology, Bordeaux, France, September 1983.Altman A, Rodriguez Alfredo E , Ghanem J, De la Fuente L M: Thrombolysis in acute myocardial infarction. Changes in blood coagulation parameters. Thromb & Harmost: 50-408, 1983.Rodriguez Alfredo E , Cazenave C, Weinschelbaum E, Rojo H, Favaloro R, De la Fuente L M: Changes in the left ventricular function after intracoronary thrombolysis in the acute myocardial infarction. XIX Congress of Cardiol, Tucumán, Sept 1983.D’Ortencio A, Rodriguez Alfredo E , Bitonte C, Rojo H, Favaloro R, De la Fuente L M: Degree of coronary obstruction in the acute myocardial infarction without complications. XIX Congress of Cardiol, Tucumán, Sept 1983.Cabrera E, Rodriguez Alfredo E , Gabe E, Zuffardi E, De la Fuente L M, Figueroa H: Correlation among the results of transluminal coronary angioplasty, the type of atherosclerotic plaque and the clinical aspects. XIX Congress of Cardiol, Tucumán, Sept 1983.Ale J, Pérez Baliño N, Dorao N, Rodriguez Alfredo E , Sporn V, De la Fuente L M: Analysis of the  radioisotopic ventriculogram and the myocardial perfussion with Thalium 201. XIX Congress of Cardiol, Tucumán, Sept 1983.Wisner J, Rodriguez Alfredo E , Rojo H, Weinschelbaum E, Favaloro R, De la Fuente L M: Intracoronary Thrombolysis in acute myocardial infarction. General Results. XIX Congress of Cardiol, Tucumán, Sept 1983.Gabe E, Rodriguez Alfredo E , Roubier J, Ghanem J, Altman R, De la Fuente L M: Thrombolysis in acute myocardial infarction. Changes in the factors of coagulation in peripheral arterial blood. XIX Congress of Cardiol, Tucumán, Sept 1983.Caramutti V, Wisner J, Rodriguez Alfredo E , Weinschelbaun E, Favaloro R, De la Fuente L M: Myocardial revascularization surgery in patients with acute myocardial infarction recanalized through intracoronary thrombolysis. XIX Congress of Cardiol, Tucumán, Sept 1983.D’Ortencio A, Rojo H, Bitonte C, Rodriguez Alfredo E , De la Fuente L M: Analysis of the indexes of the ventricular ejective period in angina post acute myocardial infarction in anterior wall. XIX Congress of Cardiol, Tucumán, Sept 1983.Festa H, Rojo H, Rodriguez Alfredo E , Bordonava A, Cabrera E, De la Fuente L M: «Hexabrix», a new contrasting material in pediatric angiocardiography. XIX Congress of Cardiol, Tucumán, Sept 1983.Wisner J, Rodriguez Alfredo E , Cohen A, Altman R, De la Fuente L M: Coronary Thrombolysis in acute myocardial infarction. Comparison of results between intracoronary and peripheral vein. Congress Arg Soc Cardiol, August 1984.Pérez Baliño N, Dorao T, Rodriguez Alfredo E , Zuffardi E, Sporn V: Incidence of coronary disease in cardiologic centers. XIV Congress Arg Soc Cardiol, Sept 1985.Rizzo T, Pérez Baliño N, Masoli O, Sosa Liprandi M I, Rodriguez Alfredo E , Sporn V: Use of radioisotopic ventriculogram TC 99 in the diagnostic of ischemic cardiopathy during ergometric tests. XIV Congress Arg Soc Cardiol, Sept 1985.Gallardo P, Rodriguez Alfredo E , Bordonava A, De la Fuente L M: Incidence of the total occlusion during coronary angioplasty. XIV Congress Arg Soc Cardiol, Septiembre de 1985.Bordonava A, Rodriguez Alfredo E , Gabe E, Gallardo P: Factibility of transluminal coronary angioplasty in acute myocardial infarction. XIV Congress Arg Soc Cardiol, Sept 1985.Gallardo P, Rodriguez Alfredo E , Bordonava A, De la Fuente L M: Coronary occlusion during transluminal coronary angioplasty. Its management in the Hemodynamics Room. XIV Congress Arg Soc Cardiol, Sept 1985.Rodriguez Alfredo E , Wisner J, Bordonava A, Gallardo P, De la Fuente L M: Coronary thrombolysis with urokinase intracoronary vs. peripheral vein infusion results. X World Congress of Cardiology, Washington DC, September 1986.Rodriguez Alfredo E , Wisner J, Bordonava A, Ortiz R, De la Fuente L M: Clinical and angiographic correlation in acute myocardial infarction using thrombolytics. X Congress of Cardiol, Rosario, November 1986, Argentine Federation of Cardiology.Rodriguez Alfredo E , Peñalosa E, Gallardo P, Wisner J: Complex coronary angioplasties. Inmediate results and late follow-up. X Congress of Cardiol, Rosario, November 1986, Argentine Federation of Cardiology. Albarracín F, Rodriguez Alfredo E , Martínez F, Uribe A, Massano C: Analysis of the principal complications and mortality in a six year follow-up for aortic and mitral replacement using duramadre or Starr Edwars valves. X Congress of Cardiol, Santa Fe, November 1986, Argentine Federation of Cardiology.Londero H, Picabea E, Rodriguez Alfredo E , De la Fuente L M: Value of the different indexes of ventricular function taken from the ventriculogram in the detection of located small alterations in ventricular contraction. X Congress of Cardiol, Santa Fe, November 1986. Argentine Federation of Cardiology.Wisner J, Rodriguez Alfredo E , Gallardo P, De la Fuente L M: Transluminal aortic valvuloplasty in the aortic valvular stenosis of adults. Arg J Cardiol 55, 4: 11-213, 1987.Sarmiento R A, Gigena G, Gonzalez Mora R, Rodriguez Alfredo E , Wisner J, Esper J R, Richitelli M A: Clinical prediction of the physiopathological mechanism in acute myocardial infarction, effect of fibrinolysis. Arg J Cardiol 55, 4: 106-203, 1987.Ayrad O, Cragnolino D, Meretta A, Masoli O, Rodriguez Alfredo E , Pérez Baliño N, De la Fuente L M: A study of the left ventricular function in symptomatic and asymptomatic patients after transluminal coronary angioplasty. Arg J Cardiol 55, 4: 97-185, 1987. Ayrad O, Cragnolino D, Meretta A, Masoli O, Rodriguez Alfredo E , Pérez Baliño N, De la Fuente L M: Transluminal coronary angioplasty. Clinical follow-up and study of the left ventricular function. Arg J Cardiol 55, 4: 87-165, 1987.Peñaloza E, Rodriguez Alfredo E , Traverso Dighero, Gallardo P, De la Fuente L M: Complex coronary angioplasties, inmediate resultand follow-up. Arg J Cardiol 55, 4: 48-87, 1987.Sarubi A, Rodriguez Alfredo E , Barrero C, Nul D, Miceli M, Turri D: Clinical prediction of the physiopathologic mechanism in acute myocardial infarction. Natural evolution. Arg J Cardiol 55, 4: 107-206, 1987.Gallardo P, Rodriguez Alfredo E , Risau G, Wisner J, De la Fuente L M: Incidence of restenosis post angioplasty in the ostial obstruction of the anterior descendent artery. Arg J Cardiol 55, 4: 88-167, 1987.Rodriguez Alfredo E , Ruda Vega M, Tacchi H, De la Fuente L M: Antecedents of the intermediate syndrome in the progressive angina. VI Congress of Cardiol, 1978.Rodriguez Alfredo E , Tacchi H, Ruda Vega M, Gadda C, De la Fuente L M: Antecedents in the angina post acute infarction. VI Congress of Cardiol, 1978.Rodriguez Alfredo E . (Chairman). Quantification by Digital Angiography of the degree of residual obstruction in arteries responsible of acute myocardial infarction. XVI Congress Arg Cardiol, 1989.Rodriguez Alfredo E , Santaera O, Risau G, Díaz R, Sosa Liprandi M I, Pérez-Baliño N, Lugones M. Early repeat coronary angiography predicts late restenosis after successful coronary angioplasty. Eur Heart J 86: 438, 1990.Rodriguez Alfredo E . (Chairman). Transluminal Coronary Angioplasty in Anterior Descendent Arteria, as the only vaso Angiographic variables and its correlation with inmediate results. XVII Congress Arg of Cardiol, 1990.Rodriguez Alfredo E . (Chairman). Use of endocoronary phrostesis (stent) in transluminal coronary angioplasty. XVII Congress Arg of Cardiol, 1990.Rodriguez Alfredo E . (Chairman). Peripheral and coronary atherectomy by catheter. A recent experience. XVII Congress Arg of Cardiol, 1990.Rodriguez Alfredo E . et al. (Chairman). Clinical status and its angiographic correlation in the late follow-up of patients post successful angioplasty. XVII Congress Arg of Cardiol, 1990.Rodriguez Alfredo E , Santaera O, Risau G, Fernández M, Szenjfeld M, Larribau M, Cristino A, Lugones M, Quantitative assessment of unstable plaque using videodensitometric and geometric digital analysis. Eur Heart J 156: 888, 1991.Rodriguez Alfredo E ., et al. (Chairman). Transluminal Coronary Angioplasty. Use of the technic with double system of metallic guía with or without baloon. XVIII Congress Arg of Cardiol, 1991.Rodriguez Alfredo E ., et al. (Chairman). Intracoronary stent. Early results and follow-up. XVIII Congress Arg of Cardiol, 1991.Rodriguez Alfredo E ., et al. (Chairman). Peripheral rotative atherectomy with Kensey catheter. Initial experience. XVIII Congress Arg of Cardiol, 1991.Rodriguez Alfredo E ., et al. (Chairman). Percutaneous mitral valvuloplasty. Inmediate results. XVIII Congress Arg of Cardiol, 1991.Rodriguez Alfredo E ., et al. (Chairman). Digital angiographic quantification post successful angioplasty. A non co Inventional analysis. XVIII Congress Arg of Cardiol, 1991.Rodriguez Alfredo E ., et al. (Chairman). Serial endiomiocardic biopsy in monitoring patients after cardiac transplantation. XVIII Congress Arg of Cardiol, 1991.Rodriguez Alfredo E ., et al. (Chairman). Transluminal coronary angioplasty in patients with previous revascularization surgery. XVIII Congress Arg of Cardiol, 1991.Rodriguez Alfredo E , Santaera O, Szenjfeld M: In hospital outcome in one vessel coronary angioplasty. Related to unstable patient or type plaque characteristic. XV Interamerican Congress of Cardiology, Orlando, USA, 1992.Rodriguez Alfredo E , Boullón F, Paviotti C, Díaz R, Sosa Liprandi M I, Pérez-Baliño N, Palacios I: Argentine randomized trial coronary angioplasty vs. by pass surgery in multiple vessel disease (ERACI). In hospital results and one year follow-up. 41st Annual Scientific Session, American College of Cardiology, J Am Coll. Cardiol; 704-706: 24A, 1992.Díaz R, Paolasso E, Piegas L S, Sandoya E, Szwarcer E, Rodriguez Alfredo E , Vercamen E, van der Werf F: The Ridogrel vs. Aspirin Patency Trial (RAPT). Early Study Group, Buenos Aires, Argentine and University of Leuven, Belgium. Circulation, 1992, I, 642, 2556.Rodriguez Alfredo E , Santaera O, Sosa Liprandi M I, Perez Baliño N, Mele E, Palacios I: Coronary angioplasty in patients with multiple obstructions. Analysis of the results in the randomized group (ERACI) and the effect of the type of revascularization in the late clinical follow-up. XIX Congress Arg Soc Cardiol, Sept 1992.Fernandez M, Santaera O, Szejnfeld M, Larribau M, Cristino A, Rodriguez Alfredo E : Inmediate results and in hospital evolution after coronary angioplasty. Are they related to clinical or angiographic characteristics? XIX Congress Arg Soc Cardiol, Sept 1992.Sosa Liprandi M I, Rodriguez Alfredo E , Boullón F, Mele E, Santaera O, Perez Baliño N, Palacios I: An Argentine randomized study angioplasty (ERACI): late follow-up, and free from coronary events. XIX Congress Arg Soc Cardiol, Sept 1992.Cristino A, Santaera O, Fernandez M, Szejnfeld M, Larribau M, Rodriguez Alfredo E : Transluminal angioplasty on the subclavian artery: Inmediate results and late follow-up. XIX Congress Arg of Cardiol, Sept 1992.Rodriguez Alfredo E , Larribau M, Santaera O, Sarmiento R, Pérez Baliño N, Newell J, Palacios I: Early decreases in minimal lumen diameter after PTCA are associated with higher incidence of late restenosis. 42º Annual Scientific Session, American College of Cardiology. J Am Coll Cardiol: 851-889, 1993.Rodriguez Alfredo E , Cristino A, Fernández M, Larribau M, Nadal F, Santaera O: Non-surgical revascularization in brachiocefalic vessels: Role of percutaneous transluminal angioplasty. Eur Heart J: 14-1428, 1993.Quintana L, Ruiz N, Schiro G, Quintana M, Cáceres C, Mele E, Rodriguez Alfredo E , Pérez Baliño N. Changes in Ventricular Function after direct PTCA. Arg Soc Cardiology. Bariloche, Mayo, 1993.Pérez Baliño N, Masoli O, Huria M, Traverso S, Méndez R, Mele E, Rodriguez Alfredo E  . Myocardial variability with thalium 201 24 hours after. Cost/benefit analysis. Arg Soc Cardiology. Mar del Plata, Mayo, 1993.Sosa Liprandi M I, Andreu E, Boullón F, Ahualli P, Rodriguez Alfredo E , Pérez Baliño N: Spontaneus improvement of left ventricular function in patients with dilated myocardial disease. Arg Soc Cardiology. Mar del Plata, Mayo, 1993.Pérez Baliño N, Masoli O, Iturria M, Meretta A, Quintana L, Peyregne E, Mele E, Rodriguez Alfredo E : Prognostic value of the Anrinone test in patients with ischemic myocardiopathy. XX Argentine Congress of Cardiology. 61 – Supp 2 – 2, 1993 Arg. J of Cardiol.Haiek C, Sosa Liprandi M I, Pérez Baliño N, Rodriguez Alfredo E , Mele E: Clinical criteria o reperfusion correlates with the angiography results after primary PTCA. XX Argentine Congress of Cardiology. Supp 2 – 10, 1993. Arg. J of Cardiol.Pérez Baliño N, Masoli O, Iturria M, Vogel D, Mele E, Rodriguez Alfredo E : Spect in unstable and stable angina. XX Argentine Congress of Cardiology. Arg. J of Cardiol 61 – 2, 38 – 1993.Pérez Baliño N, Masoli O, Iturria M, Haiek C, Vogel D, Mele E, Rodriguez Alfredo E : Viability detected with Spect in patients with chronic asymptomatic infarction. Argentine J of Cardiol, 61 – 2, 102, 1993.Cristino A, Santaera O, Larribau M, Fernández M, Rodriguez Alfredo E : Initial experience with percutaneous transluminal angioplasty in carotid arteries. Argentine J of Cardiol, 61 – 2: 136, 1993. Larribau M, Santaera O, Fernández M, Cristino A, Rojas R, Pérez Baliño N, Rodriguez Alfredo E : Comparison in late angiographic patency between patients treated with streptokinase end/or direct PTCA. Argentine J of Cardiol, 61 – 2, 143, 1993.Rojas R, Santaera O, Larribau M, Cristino A, Pérez Baliño N, Rodriguez Alfredo E : Improvement of left ventricular function after primary PTCA. Argentine J of Cardiol, 61 – 2, 166, 1993.Rojas R, Santaera O, Larribau M, Fernández M, Mele E, Pérez Baliño N, Rodriguez Alfredo E : Primary PTCA in acute myocardial infarction. In hospital results in a consecutive serie. Argentine J of Cardiol, 61 – 2: 168, 1993.Pérez Baliño N, Masoli O, Rodriguez Alfredo E , Iturria M, Meretta A, Cragnolino D, Perrone S, Mele E, Palacios I: Left ventricular ejection fraction response to Anrinone Bolus. A challenge in order to identifying patients with ischemic cardiomyopathy and reversible chronic left ventricular dysfunction. 43rd Annual Scientific Session, American College of Cardiology, Georgia, Atlanta, USA, J Am Coll Cardiol, 1994.Rodriguez Alfredo E , Santaera O, Larribau M, Fernández M, Riccitelli M, Pérez Baliño N, Palacios I, Roubin G: Rational use of coronary stenting to prevent restenosis: a randomized study in lesions with early minimal lumen diameter loss after PTCA (66 pts). 43º Annual Scientific Session, American College of Cardiology. J Am Coll Cardiol 118A: 730-736, 1994.Rodriguez Alfredo E , Ahualli P, Pérez Baliño N, Mele E, Paviotti C, Sosa Liprandi M I, Palacios I: Argentine randomized trial of percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty vs. coronary artery bypass surgery in multivessel disease (ERACI): Late cost and three year follow-up results. 43rd Annual Scientific Session, American College of Cardiology. J Am Coll Cardiol; 469A: 829-2, 1994.Rodriguez Alfredo E , Santaera O, Larribau M, Fernández M, Sarmiento R, Palacios I, Roubin G.  Coronary stents reduce restenosis in lesion with early MLD loss after PTCA (88 pts). Eur Heart J, 535: 2938, 1994.Rodriguez Alfredo E , Fernández M, Peyregne E. et al. Non Surgical Revascularization of Carotid Arteries. Role of PTA. Journal of Am Coll Cardiol 1995, 796-1.P. Moreno, J. Fallon, V. Bernardi, Rodriguez Alfredo E , et al. Early luminal deterioration after successful coronary bellow angioplasty: Insights into the mechanisms form coronary tissue analysis. J Am Coll. Cardiol., February 1996; Special Issue. Abstracts 922-47.Rodriguez Alfredo E , E. Mele, E. Peyregne, et al. Three year follow up of the Argentine randomized trial of percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty versus coronary artery by pass surgery in multivessel disease (ERACI). J Am Coll Cardiol; 1996, 27: 1178-84.E. Mele, Rodriguez Alfredo E , E Peyregne, et al. Final follow up of Argentine randomized trial coronary angioplasty vs bypass surgery in multivessel disease (ERACI): Clinical outcome and lost analysis. Circulation, October 1996 (Abstract)Rodriguez Alfredo E , O Santaera, M Fernández  et al. Optimal Coronary Angioplasty vs stent (OCBAS). Protocol presentation of a randomized trial (Optimal Coronary Balloon Angioplasty vs Stent) XV Congreso Nacional de Cardiología FAC, Mayo 1996 V. Bernardi, O Santaera, M Fernández, C Mauvecin, A Cristino, R Sapino, A Delacasa, Rodriguez Alfredo E . Hospitalary results of intracoronary stent without anticoagulation and ultrasound.  XV Congreso Nacional de Cardiología FAC, Mayo 1996.Rodriguez Alfredo E , Ayala F, M Fernández et al. Coronary stent utility during primary angioplasty: Protocol presentation of a randomized study (Gianturco Roubin II In acute myocardial infarction). XV Congreso Nacional de Cardiología FAC, Mayo 1996 O. 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II Congreso Latinoamericano de Cardiologia Intervencionista (SOLACI), July 1997.V Bernardi , O Santaera, M Fernández, C Mauvecin, E Mele, J Martinez, G Roubin, I Palacios, J Ambrose,  Rodriguez Alfredo E . Coronary Stent in acute miocardial Infarction.(GRAMI). Hospitalary Results in randomized trial. II Congreso Latinoamericano de Cardiologia Intervencionista (SOLACI) Julio 1997V Bernardi, O Santaera, C Mauvecin, A Cristino, D Vogel, M Russo, Rodriguez Alfredo E . Coronary  Stents in unprotected lesions of left main artery. II Congreso Latinoamericano de Cardiología Intervencionista (SOLACI) Julio 1997Santaera, V Bernardi, C Mauvecin, M Fernández, M Garrido, Rodriguez Alfredo E , GRAMI: Inmediate  and hospitalary results in a randomized group: Stent vs baloon in IAM. Comparison between single vessel and multiple vessels disease. II Congreso Latinoamericano de Cardiología Intervencionista (SOLACI) Julio 1997V. Bernardi, O Santaera, C Mauvecin, N López Cabanillas, A Cristino, J Martinez, M Russo,  D Vogel, Rodriguez Alfredo E . Angioplasty with baloon versus stent in thrombotic lesions. Congreso de la Sociedad Argentina de Cardiología, Octubre 1997.V Bernardi, F Ayala, E Marchand, J Martinez , O Santaera, C Mauvecin, D Vogel, I Palacios, Rodriguez Alfredo E . Optimal angioplasty versus stent (OCBAS). Angiografic Follow up of a randomized trial. Congreso de la Sociedad Argentina de Cardiología, Octubre 1997.V Bernardi , O Santaera, M Fernández, C Mauvecin, E Mele, J Martinez, G Roubin, I Palacios, J Ambrose,  Rodriguez Alfredo E . Coronary Stent in acute miocardial Infarction (GRAMI) Hospitalary Results in randomized study. Congreso de la Sociedad Argentina de Cardiología, Octubre 1997. V. Bernardi, O Santaera, C Mauvecin, A Cristino, D Vogel, M Russo, Rodriguez Alfredo E . Coronary Stents in unprotected lesions of left main. Congreso de la Sociedad Argentina de Cardiología, Octubre 1997.R Bonilla, V Bernardi, C Mauvecin, M Fernández, M Garrido, O Santaera, Rodriguez Alfredo E , GRAMI: Innmediate and hospitalary results in a randomized study: Stent vs baloon in IAM. Comparison between single vessel and multiple vessel disease. Congreso de la Sociedad Argentina de Cardiología, Octubre 1997 S Saavedra, O Santaera, C Fernández, C Mauvecin, V Bernardi, J Martinez, L Grinfeld. Rodriguez Alfredo E . Abciximab use in intervencionial coronary procedures in pacients with acute isquemic syndromes. Congreso de la Sociedad Argentina de Cardiología, Octubre 1997Rodriguez Alfredo E , V Bernardi, O santaera, et al. Coronary stents improve outcome in Acute Myocardial Infarction: Immediate and Long term results of the GRAMI trial. American College of Cardiology, Atlanta March 1998 Santaera, V Bernardi, C Mauvecin, J Martinez, D Vogel, C Fernández, A Kaminker, Rodriguez Alfredo E . 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IV, Pág. 124, Octubre 1998.M Rodriguez Alemparte, O Santaera, S Saavedra, V Bernardi, C Mauvecin, C Fernández Pereira, D González, Rodriguez Alfredo E . Does the diagnosed angiography followed by angioplasty modify the intrahospitalary results? XXV Congreso Argentino de Cardiología. Revista Argentina de Cardiología, Vol. 66. Supl. IV, Pág. 143, Octubre 1998.Pilot Study with Oral Rapamycin in Patients Undergoing Stenting in Coronary Arteries: Buenos Aires Experience (ORAR Trial).Rodriguez Alfredo E , Maximo J. Rodriguez Alemparte, Carlos Fernandez Pereira, Cesar F. Vigo, Claudio Llaurado, Miguel Russo Felsen, Oberdan Andrin, Jorge L. Martinez, Otamendi Hospital, Buenos Aires, Argentina.Prospective Multicenter International Randomized Trial Comparing Infarct Artery Stenting Alone With Infarct Artery Stenting plus Abciximab in Acute Myocardial Infarction: Principal Report of the Abciximab and Carbostent Evaluation (ACE) Trial. David Antoniucci, Rodriguez Alfredo E , Albrecht Hempel, Angela Migliorini, Guido Parodi, Antonio Bartorelli, Antonio Colombo, Giovanni M. Santoro, Guia Moschi, Renato Valenti, Leonardo Bolognese, Maurizio Trapani, Cesar F. Vigo, Careggi Hospital, Florence, Italy, Otamendi Hospital, Buenos Aires, ArgentinaUnprotected Left Main Angioplasty in Stent Era. Acute and Long Term Outcome. V Bernardi, C Mauvecin, O Santaera, C Fernández Pereira, P. Boskis, E Mele, J Martínez, Rodriguez Alfredo E . American College of Cardiology  1999Argentine Randomized Study Optimal Coronary Balloon Angioplasty and Stenting vs. Coronary Bypass Sugery in Multiple Vessel Disease (ERACI II): In hospital and 30 days results. Rodriguez Alfredo E , L Grinfeld, N Perez Baliño, J Navia, J Baldi, R Grinfeld, M Garrido. D Vogel, A Delacasa, E Mele, J Martinez, R Oliveri, I Palacios, W O’Neil. 47th Scientific Session , American College of Cardiology  1999.Cost Effectivenesst Analysis Between Percutaneous Coronary Interventions vs. Coronary Bypass Surgery in Multiple Vessels Disease: Long Term Follow Up Results of the Randomized Study (ERACI II)” Rodriguez Alfredo E V. Bernardi, J. Baldi, J. Navia, L. Grinfeld, C. Mauvecin, C. Fernandez, M. Rodriguez Alemparte, I. Palacios, W. O´Neill. XIX South American Congress of Cardiology. XXXIII Venezuela Congress of Cardiology. Caracas, Venezuela .Jun 1999.Argentine Randomized Study Coronary Angioplasty with Stenting vs. Coronary Bypass Surgery in Multiple Vessels Disease (ERACI II): Acute and Mid Term Outcome. Rodriguez Alfredo E O Santaera, L Grinfeld, V Bernardi, J Baldi,J Navia, D Guastavino, M Martínez Peralta, I Palacios, W O’Neill on behalf of ERACI II Investigators, XXI European Society .Cardiology August 1999.Cost Benefit Analysis Between Percutaneous Coronary Interventions vs. Coronary Bypass Surgery in Multiple Vessels Disease: Long Term Follow Up Results of the Randomized Study (ERACI II)” Rodriguez Alfredo E V. Bernardi, J. Baldi, J. Navia, L. Grinfeld, C. Mauvecin, D. Vogel. R. Oliveri, I. Palacios, W. O´Neill. Transcatheter Cardiovascular Therapeutics The XXI Annual Symposium, , Washington USA. September 1999.Randomized Trial of Balloon Angioplasty Versus Stenting for the Treatment of Long Coronary Lesions. Rodriguez Alfredo E , Alexandre Abizaid, Rafael Moguel, William Torres, Carlos Fernandez, Vinicius Vaz, Maximo Rodriguez, Rodolfo Staico, Fausto Feres, Eduardo Sousa, Igor F. Palacios, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston.Final Angiographic and Clinical Results of the Latin America Small Vessel Randomized Study (LASMAL Trial). Rodriguez Alfredo E , Maximo J. Rodriguez Alemparte, Carlos Fernandez Pereira, Alberto Sampaolesi, Ronaldo Loures Bueno, Carlos Rubio, Cesar F. Vigo, Angel Obregon Santos, on behalf of Biodivysio Investigators, Otamendi Hospital, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Adrogue Medical Institute, Buenos Aires, Argentina.Argentine Randomized Study Coronary Angioplasty with Stents vs. Coronary Bypass Sugery in Multiple Vessel Disease (ERACI II): One Year Follow Up Results. Rodriguez Alfredo E ,  V. Bernardi,  J. Navia,J.  Baldi, L. Grinfeld, J Martinez, D. Vogel, R Grinfeld, A Delacasa, M Garrido, R. Oliveri, E Mele,I. Palacios, W. O´Neill. on behalf of ERACI II Investigators. J. Am.Coll Cardiol, March 2000.Cost Effectiveness Analysis Between Percutaneous Coronary Interventions vs. Coronary Bypass Surgery in Multiple Vessels Disease: Long Term Follow Up Results of the Randomized Study (ERACI II), Rodriguez Alfredo E V. Bernardi, J. Baldi, J. Navia, L. Grinfeld, C. Mauvecin, D. Vogel. R. Oliveri, I. Palacios, W. O´Neill, J. Am.Coll Cardiol, March 2000.Percutaneous Transluminal Coronary revascularization vs. Coronary Bypass Surgery In Patients with Multiple Vessel Disease and Proximal left Anterior Descending Artery Stenosis: Results From the ERACI II Study. Rodriguez Alfredo E ,  S. Saavedra, C. Fernández, M. Rodriguez Alemparte, J. Baldi, L. Grinfeld, R Grinfeld, J Martinez, M. Russo Felsen,I. Palacios, W. O´Neill on behalf of ERACI II Investigators. J. Am.Coll Cardiol, March 2000.Diabetic Patients With Multivessel Disease Treated with Percutaneous Coronary Revascularization Had Similar Outcome Than Those Treated with Surgery: One Year Follow Up Results From Two Argentine Randomized Studies (ERACI – ERACI II). C. Fernandez Pereira, V Bernardi, J Martinez, J. Baldi, D. Vogel, L. Grinfeld, M. Russo Felsen, C. Mauvecin, E. Mele, I. Palacios, A. Rodriguez. J. Am.Coll Cardiol, March 2000.Patients With Three Or More Vessel Disease Treated with Percutaneous Interventions Achieved Similar Safety Long Term Outcome To Those Treated With Conventional Coronary Bypass Surgery: One Year Follow Up Results From the ERACI II Study. Rodriguez Alfredo E M. Rodriguez Alemparte,  V. Bernardi, J. Baldi J. Navia, A Delacasa, D. Vogel). C. Fernandez Pereira, I. Palacios, W. O´Neill. J. Am.Coll Cardiol, March 2001.Three Years Follow-up Results of Argentine Randomized Study Coronary Angioplasty With Stenting Versus Bypass Surgery In Patients With Multiple Vessels Disease (ERACI II). Rodriguez Alfredo E M. Rodriguez Alemparte, J. Baldi, J. Navia, J. Martinez, D. Vogel, A. Delacasa, V. Bernardi, C. Fernández Pereira, I. Palacios, W. O´Neill. Otamendi Hospital, Buenos Aires, Argentina, William Beaumont Hospital, Royal Oak, Michigan. J. Am. Coll Cardiol, March 2002.Latin America Small Vessel Randomized Study (LASMAL): In Hospital and 30 Days Results. Rodriguez Alfredo E M. Rodriguez Alemparte, V. Bernardi, A.F. Vigo, A. Sampaolesi, R. Da Rocha Loures Bueno, O. Andrin, A. Obregón Santos. SCA&I, May 2002.Coronary stenting versus coronary bypass surgery in patients with multiple vessel desease and significant proximal LAD stenosis: results from the ERACI II study. Rodriguez Alfredo E M. Rodriguez Alemparte, J. Baldi, J. Navia, A Delacasa, D Vogel, R Oliveri, C Fernández Pereira,V. Bernardi, W O´Neill, I F Palacios, on behalf of the ERACI II Investigators. Herat 2003; 89:184-188Percutaneous Treatment of Acute Myocardial Infarction in Latin America” Results from the Latin Americ Society of Interventional Cardiology (SOLACI), presentado al XIV TH World Congress of Cardiology, Sydney, Australia, Mayo 5-9/2002 . JACC (Suppl B), 39:99B          .Elective angioplasty of unprotected left main. Resultados hospitalarios y al seguimiento. Andrin O, Vigo C, Fernandez Pereira C, Mauvecin C, Bernardi V, Serra W, Rodrigueaz Alemparte M, Rodriguez Alfredo E , Sanatorio Otamendi, Buenos Aires  XXX Congress Arg Soc Cardiol,  2002.Estudio Latinoamericano de Angioplastia Coronaria en pequeños vasos (LASMAL). Hospitalary results in 30 days Follow-up, Rodriguez Alemparte M, Fernandez Pereira C, , Bernardi V,  Vigo , Sampaolesi A, da Richa Loures Bueno R, Obregon Santos, Rodriguez Alfredo E , Sanatorio Otamendi, Buenos Aires  XXIX Congress Arg Soc Cardiol, 2002Randomized Argentine Study of Stent Coronary Angioplasty vs Conventional Surgery in Patients with Multiple Vessel Coronary Disease. Fernandez Pereira C, Bernardi V , Mauvecin C, Rodrigueaz Alemparte M, Andrin o, Vigo C, Serra W, Rodriguez Alfredo E , Sanatorio Otamendi, Buenos Aires  xxix Congress Arg Soc Cardiol, 2002.Primary Stent Angioplasty with and without abcximab (ACE TRIAL): Hospitalary results in a 30 days period Follow-up. Rodriguez Alfredo E , Rodriguez Alemparte M, Russo M, Bartorelli A, Colombo A, Hempel A, Antoniucci D, Sanatorio Otamendi, Buenos Aires  xxix Congress Arg Soc Cardiol, 2002.RandomizedTrial of Balloon Angioplasty Versus Stenting for the treatment of Long Coronary Lesions. . Rodriguez Alfredo E A. Abizaid, R. Moguel, W. Torres, C. Fernández, V. Vaz,M. Rodríguez,R. Staico, F. Feres, J. E. M. Sousa, I. Palacios, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston ,MA. JACC March 2003, 1052- 184.Final Angiographic and clinical Results of the Latin America Small Vessel Randomized Study (LASMAL Trial)  Rodriguez Alfredo E M. Rodriguez Alemparte, C. Fernández Pereira, A. Sampaolesi, R. Loures Bueno, C. Rubio, C. F Vigo, A. Obregon Santos, on behalf of Biodyvisio Investigators. Otamendi Hospital, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Adrogue medical Institute, Buenos Aires, Argentina. JACC March 2003, 1076- 185Pilot Study with Oral Rapamycin in Patients Undergoing Stenting in Coronary  Arteries: Buenos Aires Experience (ORAR Trial) Rodriguez Alfredo E M. Rodriguez Alemparte, C. Fernández Pereira, C. F Vigo, C. Llaurado, M. Russo Felsen, O. Andrin, J.L Martinez. Otamendi Hospital, Buenos Aires, Argentina, JACC March 2003, 879- 3Pilot Study of  Oral Rapamycin to Prevent Restenosis in Patients Undergoing Coronary Stent Therapy: Argetnina Single Center Study (ORAR Trial) Rodriguez Alfredo E M. Rodriguez Alemparte, C F Vigo, C Fernández Pereira C. Llaurado, M. Russo Felsen, R. Virmani, J. Ambrose Otamendi Hospital, Buenos Aires, Argentina, J Invas Cardiol October 2003 Prospective Multicenter International Randomized Trial Comparing Infarct Artery Stenting Alone with Infarct Artery Stenting plus Abciximab in Acute Myocardial Infarction: Principal Report of the Abciximab and Carbostent Evaluation (ACE) Trial. D. Antoniucci, Rodriguez Alfredo E A. Hempel, A. Migliorini, G. Parodi, A. L Bartorelli, A. Colombo, G. M Santoro, G. Moschi, R. Valenti, L. Bolognese, M. Trapani, C. F Vigo, Careggi Hospital, Florence ,Italy, Otamendi Hospital, Buenos Aires ,Argentina JACC March 2003, 1025-165Comparison of Impact of Emergency Percutneous Revascularization on Outcome in Patients > 75 years to those < 75 years with acute Myocardial Infarction Complicated by Cardiogenic Shock. JACC June 2003. Latin America Small Vessel Randomized Study in Diabetic Patients (LASMAL II): Clinical and Angiographic Follow Up Data. Rodriguez Alfredo E M. Rodriguez Alemparte, C Fernández Pereira, V Bernardi, C F Vigo, C Llaurado, A Sampaolessi, R Loures Bueno, The LASMAL. Otamendi Hospital, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Clinica IMA, Adrogue, Argentina. JACC March 2004, 1081- 48Oral Rapamycin in Patients Undergoing Coronary Stent Therapy: Final Results of the ORAR Study (Oral Rapamycin in Argetnina). Rodriguez Alfredo E M J. Rodriguez Alemparte, C Fernández Pereira, C F Vigo, C Llaurado, M Russo Felsen, A Pocovi, D Vetcher,. Otamendi Hospital, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Argentine Society for Cardiac Intervention, Buenos Aires, Argentina. JACC March 2004, 878- 2Five Year Follow-up of Argentine Randomized Study of Coronary Stents vs Coronary Bypass Surgery in MultipleVessels Diasease. Rodriguez Alfredo E , M Rodriguez Alemparte, J Baldi, C Fernández Pereira, C F Vigo, A de la Casa, I Palacios, W O’Neill. Invasive Cardilogy Otamendi Hospital, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1 Cardiac Unit Massachussets General Hospital Boston United States of America, 2 Cardiology William Beaumont Michigan United States of America. , European Society  2004Dose Response Study of Oral Rapamycin in Prevention of Angiographic Restenosis: Result of ORAR Pilot Trial. Rodriguez Alfredo E , M Rodriguez Alemparte, C F Vigo, C Fernández Pereira, Rodriguez Alfredo E  Granillo, J Guiroy, J. Mieres. Invasive Cardiology Otamendi Hospital, Buenos Aires, Argentina, European Society  2004.Abciximab-supported infarct artery stent implantation for acute myocardial infarction and long-term survival. A randomized trial comparing infarct artery stenting plus abciximab. D Antoniucci, A Migliorini, G Parodi, R Valenti, AE Rodriguez, A Hempel, G Memisha, GM Santoro. European Society, 2004.Efficacy and Tolerability of Oral Rapamacin to Prevent Restenosis after Coronary Stent Implantation: The prospective, Randomized ORAR II Study. Rodriguez Alfredo E M Rodriguez Alemparte, C Fernández Pereira, A Pocoví, J Tronge, G Kaluza, A Raizner, G W Stone, Otamendi Hospital, Buenos Aires Argentina, Columbia University Medical Center, New York,NY, JACC FEBRUARY 2005, 839- 5 WISDOM high – risk Subgroups: 12 Month Outcomeswith the Slow – releas. Polymer – based, Paclitaxel eluting Taxus Stent. A Abizaid, C Chan, T Teng – Lim,U Kaul, T Patel, H C Tan, N Sinha, J Lopez, E Gaxiola, S Ramesh, A Rodriguez, M Adamian, WISDOM Investigtors. Instituto de Cardiologia dante Pazzanese, Sao Paulo Brazil.- JACC February 2005, 866- 3Long Term clinical and angiographic follow up of oral rapamycin in patients undergoing coronary bare stent theraphy: Results of the randomized ORAR II trial.-. Rodriguez Alfredo E Juan Granada, M Rodriguez Alemparte, Juan Delgado, C F Vigo, C Fernández Pereira, A Pocoví, Rodriguez Alfredo E  Granillo, D. Schultz, A Raizner, I Palacios, W O´neill, G Kaluza, G Stone. Poster Congress 2005 – ESC (European Society of Cardilogy) September  StockholmCoronary Stent thrombosis in current drug eluting stent era: Insights from ERACI III Trial. Carlos Fernandez Pereira MD, A. Rodríguez MD, Juan Guiroy MD, Juan Mieres MD, Carlos Rodriguez Pagani,  C F Vigo MD, M Rodriguez Alemparte MD, Daniel Berrocal MD, Liliana Grinfeld MD, Igor Palacios, TCT 2005  Washington.Cost Efectiveness in PatientsTreated with drug eluting stents vs bare metal stent ans oral rapamycin in hospital and one year follow up “Carlos Fernandez Pereira MD, Juan Mieres, C F Vigo, M Rodriguez Alemparte, Angeles Rodriguez, Valeria Curotto, A. Rodríguez MD. TCT 2005  WashingtonMultiple vessel stenting in drug eluting stent era: one year follow up of the ERACI III study. Rodriguez Alfredo E L Grinfeld, C Fernandez-Pereira, J Mieres, D berrocal, C F Vigo, W O´Neill, I Palacios. Poster Congress 2005 – ESC (European Society of Cardilogy) September Stockholm.Cost Effectiveness of two Diferent Strategies of revascu Stent Era: Hospital and Long Term Follow Up Results.- C Fernandez Pereira,Juan Mieres, M Rodriguez Alemparte, C F Vigo, AM Rodriguez Granillo, V Curotto, Rodriguez Alfredo E – ESC (European Society of Cardilogy) 2006.Percutaneous Coronary Intervention with Bare Metal Stents and Oral Sirolimus has Comparable Safety and Efficacy to treatment with Drug Eluting Stents but with Significant Cost Saving: Long Term Follow up results from the Randomized, Controlled ORAR III (Oral Rapamicyn in Argentina) Study. Rodriguez Alfredo E Andrew Maree, Sonia Tarragona, Carlos Fernandez-Pereira, Alfredo M Rodriguez-Granillo, Gaston A Rodriguez-Granillo, Omar Santaera, Juan Mieres, Neville Kukreja, David Antoniucci, Igor Palacios, Patrick Serruys. American Heart Association, Circulation 2008;118.5-1051.Percutaneous Coronary Intervention with Bare Metal Stents and Oral Sirolimus has Comparable Safety and Efficacy to treatment with Drug Eluting Stents but with Significant lower cost: thirtyone months cost saving and clinical events analysis, from the Randomyzed, controlled ORAR III (Oral Rapamycin in Argentina) Study. Carlos Fernandez-Pereira, Bibiana Rubilar, Juan Mieres, Carlos Rodriguez-Pagani, Omar Santaera, Alfredo M Rodriguez-Granillo, David Antoniucci, Igor Palacios, Patrick W Serruys, Rodriguez Alfredo E   American Heart Association, Scientific sessions November 2009.Impact of Diabetic Population in the Long term Outcome of Patients with Multiple vessel Sisease Treated with Drug Eluting Stents, Bare Metal Stents or Coronary Bypass Surgery: Insights from Final Five Years Follow up Results of ERACI III Study. Rodriguez Alfredo E Liliana Grinfeld, Daniel Berrocal, Juan Mieres, Alfredo M Rodriguez-Granillo, Carlos Fernandez-Pereira, Valeria Curotto, Andrew Maree, William O´Neill, Igor F Palacios. American College of Cardiology (ACC), March 2010.Comparison of a Paclitaxel Eluting Stent with Biodegradable Polymer and Glycolix Coating versus Bare Metal Stent Design: First Presentation of 9 Months Clinical and Angiographic Outcome of the Ramdomized, Multicenter and Controlled EUCATAX Trial (NCT00825279). Rodriguez Alfredo E Federico C Vigo, Alejandro Delacasa, Victor Bernardi, Marcelo Bettinotti, Omar Santaera, Valeria Curotto, Carlos Fernandez-Pereira, Bibiana Rubilar, Juana Mieres, David Antoniucci, Igor F Palacios. American College of Cardiology (ACC), march 2010.  

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