
En el Centro de Estudios en Cardiología Intervencionista (CECI) somos un grupo independiente de investigadores clínicos entrenados para brindar soluciones integrales para la realización de Investigación Clínica de fase IIIb y IV.

Como Contract Research Organization (CRO), en el CECI contamos con una gran experiencia en el campo de la cardiología. Desde hace 25 años venimos capacitándonos y perfeccionándonos para brindar un servicio completo, desde el diseño del protocolo, organización y coordinanción logísitica, management, evaluación de centros, análisis estadísitico, redacción de manuscritos y presentación en congresos y revistas arbitriradas. Como un grupo boutique sabemos que nuestra fuerza es mantener la independencia y la veracidad de los datos para lograr un análisis correcto de la información médica que se desprende de ellos. Para ello trabajamos con pasión y profesionalismo. Algunos de los estudios que diseñamos, organizamos, analizamos y realizamos el manuscrito final, actuando como CRO de punta a punta, fueron:


Argentine randomized trial of percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty versus coronary artery bypass surgery in multivessel disease (ERACI): in-hospital results and 1-year follow-up.ERACI Group.J Am Coll Cardiol. 1993 Oct;22(4):1060-7.

Three-year follow-up of the Argentine Randomized Trial of Percutaneous Transluminal Coronary Angioplasty Versus Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery in Multivessel Disease (ERACI).J Am Coll Cardiol. 1996 Apr;27(5):1178-84


Coronary stenting versus coronary bypass surgery in patients with multiple vessel disease and significant proximal LAD stenosis: results from the ERACI II study. Heart. 2003 Feb;89(2):184-8.

Five-year follow-up of the Argentine randomized trial of coronary angioplasty with stenting versus coronary bypass surgery in patients with multiple vessel disease (ERACI II). J Am Coll Cardiol. 2005 Aug 16;46(4):582-8.


Coronary stent thrombosis in the current drug-eluting stent era: insights from the ERACI III trial. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2006 Jan 3;47(1):205-7.

Revascularization strategies of coronary multiple vessel disease in the Drug Eluting Stent Era: one year follow-up results of the ERACI III Trial. EuroIntervention. 2006 May;2(1):53-60.

Late loss of early benefit from drug-eluting stents when compared with bare-metal stents and coronary artery bypass surgery: 3 years follow-up of the ERACI III registry. Eur Heart J. 2007 Sep;28(17):2118-25

Long-term safety and efficacy of percutaneous coronary intervention with stenting and coronary artery bypass surgery for multivessel coronary artery disease: a meta-analysis with 5-year patient-level data from the ARTS, ERACI-II, MASS-II, and SoS trials. Circulation. 2008 Sep 9;118(11):1146-54

Percutaneous coronary intervention with drug-eluting stents versus coronary artery bypass surgery for multivessel coronary artery disease: a meta-analysis of data from the ARTS II, CARDia, ERACIIII, and SYNTAX studies and systematic review of observational data. EuroIntervention. 2010 Jun;6(2):269-76


Second versus first generation DES in multiple vessel disease and unprotected left main stenosis: insights from ERACI IV Study. Minerva Cardioangiol. 2015 Aug;63(4):317-27

Modifying angiographic syntax score according to PCI strategy: lessons learnt from ERACI IV Study Cardiovasc Revasc Med. 2015 Oct-Nov;16(7):418-20.

Second vs. First Generation Drug Eluting Stents in Multiple Vessel Disease and Left Main Stenosis: Two-Year Follow-Up of the Observational, Prospective, Controlled and Multicenter ERACI IV Registry.» Accepted article ahead of-print.


Pilot study of oral rapamycin to prevent restenosis in patients undergoing coronary stent therapy: Argentina Single-Center Study (ORAR Trial). J Invasive Cardiol. 2003 Oct;15(10):581-4.

Role of oral rapamycin to prevent restenosis in patients with de novo lesions undergoing coronary stenting: results of the Argentina single centre study (ORAR trial). Heart. 2005 Nov;91(11):1433-7


Oral rapamycin after coronary bare-metal stent implantation to prevent restenosis: the Prospective, Randomized Oral Rapamycin in Argentina (ORAR II) Study. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2006 Apr 18;47(8):1522-9


Percutaneous coronary intervention with oral sirolimus and bare metal stents has comparable safety and efficacy to treatment with drug eluting stents, but with significant cost saving: long-term follow-up results from the randomised, controlled ORAR III (Oral Rapamycin in ARgentina) study. EuroIntervention. 2009 Jun;5(2):255-64.

Randomized comparison of cost-saving and effectiveness of oral rapamycin plus bare-metal stents with drug-eluting stents: three-year outcome from the randomized oral rapamycin in Argentina (ORAR) III trial. Catheter Cardiovasc Interv. 2012 Sep 1;80(3):385-94

Comparison of cost-effectiveness of oral rapamycin plus bare-metal stents versus first generation of drug-eluting stents (from the Randomized Oral Rapamycin in Argentina [ORAR] 3 trial). Am J Cardiol. 2014 Mar 1;113(5):815-21.


In-hospital and late results of coronary stents versus conventional balloon angioplasty in acute myocardial infarction (GRAMI trial). Gianturco-Roubin in Acute Myocardial Infarction.Am J Cardiol. 1998 Jun 1;81(11):1286-91.


Optimal coronary balloon angioplasty with provisional stenting versus primary stent (OCBAS): immediate and long-term follow-up results. J Am Coll Cardiol. 1998 Nov;32(5):1351-7.

The role of acute wall recoil and late restenosis: results of the OCBAS trial (Optimal Coronary Balloon Angioplasty with Provisional Stenting versus Primary Stent). Int J Cardiovasc Intervent. 2001 Jun;4(2):99-106


Latin American randomized trial of balloon angioplasty vs coronary stenting for small vessels (LASMAL): immediate and long-term results. Am J Med. 2005 Jul;118(7):743-51.


Latin American randomized trial of balloon angioplasty versus coronary stenting in diabetic patients with small vessel reference size (Latin American Small Vessel [LASMAL II] Trial): immediate and long-term results. Am Heart J. 2005 Jul;150(1):188.


Efficacy and safety of a double-coated paclitaxel-eluting coronary stent: the EUCATAX trial. Catheter Cardiovasc Interv. 2011 Feb 15;77(3):335-42


New coating stent design for patients with high-risk coronary lesions for thrombotic events: early and long-term results of the Camouflage registry. J Invasive Cardiol. 2009 Aug;21(8):378-82.


One-year outcome of patients with diabetes mellitus after percutaneous coronary intervention with three different revascularization strategies: results from the Diabetic Argentina Registry (DEAR). Cardiovasc Revasc Med. 2012 Sep-Oct;13(5):265-71.


La extensa experiencia en la conducción de estudios clínicos tanto a nivel nacional como internacional permite a los clientes tener acceso a importantes expertos alrededor del mundo y al CECI brindar las mejores opciones costo efectivas para lograr los objetivos propuestos.

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